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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:7
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joecavalry(40163) pic

How hard is marriage?

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2 points

Marriage not reffering to any sort of physical object has no solidity to it in that context therefore is incapable of having any "hardness" :P

Replace the word "hard" with the word "difficult" and please try again ;)

DrawFour(2662) Disputed
1 point

This is weak. I understand logical to a fault, and trying to discourage troll posts, by using logic to a fault, but the idea that hard can only relate to a texture, is literally myopic.

I really hate to say, I agree with Joe. Replace hard, with difficult and try again please.

1 point

That last joke is hilarious, but I wanted to say he didn't ruin his parent's marriage, he was a kid when his father ruined it with lies and cheating, the kid was just a sorta clever but mostly dumb kid who took advantage of an opportunity.