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0 points

Did you never hear of the natural phenomenon of Light Emitting Diodes which have always been present, even before God?

Hallelujah brother, hallelujah.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

The word abbreviated should be abbreviated.

Welsh place name:- Llanfairpwllgyllgogerychwymdrobwilllantysiliogllan-vire-pooll-guin-gill-u-queem- drob-ooli-llandus-ilio-gogo-gochtranslates in English to;-St Mary's Church in the Hollow of the White hazel near a rapid whirlpool '''''

You can hear it being pronounced on Google.

2 points

It's okay, but an exploding suppository would be more exciting for them.

1 point

At various stages throughout history every nation or race, has been vulnerable to subjugation and exploitation by more powerful aggressors.

In the event of the indigenous population of a country or or a group of countries being overrun and enslaved there are options available.

1) Passively accept your fate without active resistance and take what's coming, or,

2) organize a campaign of sustained, relentless and bloody rebellion until your oppressors recognize that the price of subjection is too high and look elsewhere to apply their iron fisted tyranny.

As the Bongo had neither the organizing ability nor the will to resist they chose to submit to their slave masters.

The ending of Bongo enslavement was due to the actions of articulate, intelligent white men such as England's William Wilberforce and James Oglethrope who were incensed at this trade in human misery.

Left to their own devices the Bongo would still be picking cotton and singing 'Ol man River'.

Note how the Bongos show their appreciation.

1 point

Bisexuals are just greedy but it doubles their chances of a date.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
1 point

To avoid committing the sin of premarital sex as you suggest, the bi-sexual should have the two different sexual identities marry each other.

A problem would occur however if the marriage didn't work out and there was a dispute over which one would get to keep the house and how the estate was divided up.

2 points

Cosby could spend the rest of his life in jail so, without a script writer he had better have a very good memory and extensive repertoire.

2 points

Yes, then the remains of those who were burnt to ashes could be used to to make lots more etch-a-sketch toys.

It would be heart warming for a child to know that granny's ashes were being used for him/her to create lots of lovely drawings.

2 points

Well, you're wrong.

Stay in a permanent state of controlled anger and your senses will be heightened and your response to any given challenge will be greatly enhanced.

There is a lot to be angry and suppressing your natural emotions will only lead to confusion and frustration.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
1 point

Only because they're are more self righteous and feel that they should be above criticism.

2 points

Not really.

Providing you have learnt how to channel the highly charged emotional of anger in the direction and manner you so desire it can give you that edge over your adversary or added impetus to successfully complete the task on hand.

Anger can, and indeed should be your friend.


1 point

No, best to let the W.A.S.P.S., continue, they're doing a fine job.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
1 point

With the massive social changes in recent years, especially in the equality of the sexes, I feel that the unfair legal advantages enjoyed by females in divorce cases should become more evenly balanced.

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander and all that jazz.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

@ xMathFanx.

Thanks for the response.

Of course the other important reason for the governments imposing their discriminatory gender laws is to act as a deterrent to the husband from running off with the innkeeper's wench and unloading the responsibility for his wife and children onto the state.

If the financial penalty was removed I'm totally convinced we'd see a massive increase in divorce cases.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

@ marcusmoon.

Please, and I do mean please, forgive me for saying that I feel your interpretation of the reasons for the laws governing marriage is somewhat naive, NO OFFENCE INTENDED.

The laws have obviously been contrived by, and supported by numerous successive governments to ensure that in the event of a divorce it is the husband who supports the estranged female and, when applicable, the children and not the state.

Thinking with heart and/or penis instead of your head can lead to a long period of expense and the accompanying misery.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

It is prudent to be aware of the legal implications, ( the small print), of any contract, including marriage, before signing on the dotted line.

The fact that there are many who make a prenuptial agreement, to establish the terms of any future divorce before they walk down the aisle is proof that there are those who are sufficiently sagacious to be aware of the obligations imposed by law and to make damage limitation provisions for such an event.

One should be mindful of the solemn oath taken during the marriage ceremony;- I ----, take you_, to be my LAWFULLY wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, UNTIL DEATH DO US PART.

The State has cleverly ensured that the legal implications of any divorce is loaded very much in favour of the female.

This is a sort of insurance against the taxpayer being lumbered with the expense of supporting a divorced female and the children of a split marriage.


1 point

The social conditions which existed when the original legally binding terms of marriage were established bears no relationship to today's society.

Women's rights, gender equality, anti-sexual discrimination in the workplace and feminism all go to make the existing legal requirements included in the contract of marriage to be long since outdated.

Even though we don't hear the feminist brigade demanding equality in the female biased legalities of marriage I still feel this institution should be retained.

2 points

Marriage helps towards establishing a stable relationship in which to raise a family and creates a feeling of security for both parties.

Of course the level of success of this union is dependent upon the wedded couple not dishonoring their marriage vows and sticking to their guns by not taking the easy opinion of running like blue blazes away if and when the relationship hits a rough patch.

In this throwaway age it is good to see people fulfilling their WORD of HONOUR and working to retain the bond which was founded on trust, love and romance.

As with all contracts, marriage involves certain legal obligations which are freely entered into by both parties, it is therefore wholly reasonable to expect these commitments to be fulfilled to the satisfaction of both partners.

Bellyaching about having to abide by the legally binding conditions of marriage after having signed up to them is childish.

1 point

Perhaps Jesus was a masochist and enjoyed the experience.

Maybe spending hours in the spanking room was becoming boring so the pain and humiliation of been publically nailed to a cross must have been the ultimate high for this self opinionated and delusional character.

1 point

That was very droll.

You have gone further than most people and have highlighted the gun problem in well researched detail.

You join the herd however by not presenting your realistic proposals to address the ongoing madness of an over abundance of guns and the criminal negligence of our politicians, past and present, by sidestepping the introduction of effective profiling of all known existing gun owners and firearm licence applicants.

This is a time for President Trump to show LEADERSHIP and make the decisions which will be unpopular with some, but that will have to be made sooner or later.

I was in New York State last October and near to the orchard where I was buying some pumpkins there was a gun auction at which, I was told .anyone could buy weapons without permits or identification.

If this is correct, then the inmates are definitely running the lunatic asylum.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

One thing you must never do is hang that picture in a place where it could be seen.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
4 points

@x, I concur with you completely.

Your post was more concise than mine but the message was the same.

It's amazing that filth like this pervert can lie and fart in bed all day, then get boozed and drugged up and complain about how the world is ill divided between the rich and the poor.

Can't you just imagine this piece of brainless shit sitting in the pub expounding his master plan for THE NEW ORDER 0F THE WORLD'S ECONOMY.

Man, man oh man,

3 points

@ Numbertwo- Your addiction to booze and drugs explains why you spend most of your time hating people who have achieved success, have made something of themselves and are relatively much better off than you.

Your ridiculously juvenile questions about how to secure finance to start a business was a graphic illustration of just how utterly useless you are.

No financial institution would lend an alcoholic junkie like you a penny, so you can forget even trying to borrow.

Not that you ever had any intentions of doing so, I know your type.

As you languish in your state of mindless inebriation there are people working hard to achieve their life's ambitions.

You'll spend the rest of your useless life boozed up smoking pot while complaining about how unfair it is that the world belongs to those capable, hard working achievers.

2 points

Perverts like you need alcohol as you cannot face the stark realities of life without being in a booze induced stupor.

You are clearly the sort of weak minded low life who hits the bottle when the going gets tough and hides under the bed until things have settled down.

I also note that you use marijuana as a crutch to get through the day.

You are a useless waste of the earth's resources.

The oxygen and space you waste up could be used for much better purposes.

I'll bet you spend most of your time drugged and boozed up cuddled up to your whore mother.

Do you pish and crap yourself?

Do the local health authorities have to employ outside contractors to clean up the shitty mess you make in public places

You represent everything that is wrong with our society and you not only seem proud of your shocking character flaws but you boast about them.

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