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1 point

I'm not shocked, actually. It's predictably racist, which is why it's not funny.

1 point

That's not what "theory" means, scientifically.

1 point

There's a certain demographic of militant gays who have no desire to assimilate. They see themselves as a separate culture that deserve to be preserved, like they're oppressed Native Americans or some shit. I'm sure some of those gays would already have struck out on their own if they had jobs.

Assface(406) Clarified
1 point

A Glee cover of a Madonna hit.

1 point

Are you implying that all liberals are gay? I hope you are, because it's true and funny.

1 point

That does happen sometimes. A gay couple who want babies and a lesbian couple who want babies get together and swap seeds, then take turns raising the kid. A better objection is that not all the kids they raised would turn out gay, but they could just deport those ones off of Gay Island for treason.

1 point

I'm aware of that. But all jokes have a point, don't they?

1 point

Yeah, but nonetheless, even the more inhibited pedestrians have a little too much confidence for just being meaty fleshbags loosely hung on armatures of fragile calcification.

1 point

Of the two, bicyclists are worse, but why isn't "pedestrian" an option? I don't care if you have right of way, when there's a two-ton machine bearing down on you at fifty miles per hour, you don't go traipsing across the street like a moron. Fuck.

1 point

Freedom of association is wrong? Maybe you shouldn't have the right to have an unbalanced number of acquaintances of a certain color.

1 point

They could've changed their name. But they didn't, because beyond the simple termage of the group, there is an essential component to the Boy Scouts' values of training boys to be men. Exclusion of homosexualites is no different: it is a result of the spirit in which the group was founded, and to bully the Scouts into sacrificing their philosophy in the name of "equality" is abhorrent.

2 points

Private entities are allowed to discriminate against anywho they please. All clubs are discriminatory. The only group that doesn't discriminate is called the "public."

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