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This personal waterfall shows you all of Bettyjoe's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

A sarcastic remark. ;)

Bettyjoe(402) Clarified
1 point

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1 point

For generations she has guarded my family. Since the days of my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather she has kept us safe. For so long we thought her immortal. But now I see it differently, for just as my fur grows grey and my joints grow stiff, so too do hers. She did not take in my children, but she gave them to her children. I will be the last she cares for. My only hope is that I am able to last until her final moments. The death of one of her kind is so rare. The ending of a life so long is such a tragedy. She has seen so much, she knows so much. I know she takes comfort in my presence. I only wish that I will be able to give her this comfort until the end. ;)

1 point

jolie, you bitch, I'm going to kick your ass next time I see you!!!

1 point

And like a kidney stone, this too shall pass. ;)

1 point

Thank you for your support.

1 point

Are you saying that I am just wrestling with a pig? Oh...., wait...., you can't answer that, can you? You just got banned. Pitty. ;)

1 point

Look at when his account was created. Then look at when my account was created. Then look at my name and guess, who am I, really?

1 point

I'll quickly tire of him and then just ignore him. But I plan to have a little fun first. ;)

2 points

I have reactivated some of my old, puppet accounts and keep on pulling his chain. ;)

1 point

I know exactly how you feel sweetie.

1 point

Screw you joe.

1 point

I am just helping you spread the word... or words, as it were in this case.

1 point

Why would anyone worry about food when you can feed a child for just 66 cents A day?

1 point

Don't envy those on top. They have their own set of problems. Like worrying about those who envy them.

1 point

How did I ever miss that before?

1 point

Which parent would you be OK not having in your life?

1 point

I don't think you understand point size 72.

1 point

That father was torturing that poor little girl with Metal Music.

1 point

I think it was BlackOak Std. size 72.

1 point

I think that little girl was ready for some down time.

1 point

Maybe this explains why God rarely answers prayers.

1 point

All this coming from the man that wouldn't bat an eye if there was legislation governing the movement of couches and blow jobs.

1 point

Lucky for you, I do not have a piano that needs to be moved.

Lucky for me, I do not have a couch that needs to be moved.

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