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This personal waterfall shows you all of BurritoLunch's arguments, looking across every debate.

The problem with saying someone is "white", is that most of us aren't 100% white, or 100% black, or 100% anything.

This is literally the argument I make to you every time you claim to be 97 percent Jewish, you delusional parasite.

Blacks are responsible for 37% of hand gun homicides

Who, other than a racist, would be interested in the racial divisions in homicide stats? I don't see you quoting the exact percentage of murders committed by people with blue eyes, or dark hair. You are pre-obsessed with race and skin colour because you are as obvious a racist as I've ever seen on this site.

Doing what's right and following the "law" does not always align.

Are you actually joking right now? You've just tried to argue that guns shouldn't be banned because "law-abiding citizens" will suffer.

When you can stop contradicting yourself, call me.

No, I would have been one of those "law-breakers"

Oh, OK. So you admit that you want a gun so you can break the law?

So, I guess that apology you made for the "idiot comment" was fake?

No, not fake. I don't like being rude to people but it is a fact that you are a stupid person. That is my dilemma.

It’s staggering really I sell my work in Dublin every Sunday and Americans ask me “why do your cops not carry guns “ , they cannot comprehend it

These guys are simply so devoid of anything resembling reason that it's impossible to have a normal conversation with them. We are talking about guys who literally want to arm violent people just so that they can have a gun to protect themselves from those armed violent people. Just crazy.

I most certainly would not have made that argument.

Yes you would, moron. You'd have stood red-faced in front of an audience and expressed your outrage that the government is depriving you, a law-abiding citizen, of your main source of income.

Yes that’s the fucked up USA for you I live in a gun free society even the police (mostly) don’t carry guns

Careful now. You'll really tax his brain with the concept that cops don't need to carry guns in a gun free society.

No, but they are known to break into peoples homes based on those people having a plant, or other substance, such as marijuana.

Oh, so you want a gun so you can shoot cops? Cool. Let me know how that works out for you.

I'm finished with this pointless conversation.

Hey, I'm sorry for the idiot part. But I feel strongly about this issue and I do not believe you are approaching it from a position of reason, but rather from a position of personal bias which is almost certainly derived from some form of media indoctrination.

You have to ask yourself why do they want to disarm "law-abiding citizens"?

No, you have to ask yourself why you are so stupid. Two hundred years ago you'd have made the same argument that the government wants to deprive law-abiding citizens of their right to own slaves. "Law-abiding citizen" means absolutely NOTHING, because people break the law for the first time EVERY SINGLE DAY. People with no criminal records walk into schools and shoot kids, and you want to defend their right to do that? On the basis that they haven't broken the law previously?

You are just a plain old-fashioned idiot pal.

Okay, genius, how would such a "ban" be enforced if not by the use of men with guns to do just that?

The same way all other laws are enforced you rent-a-twit. If you get caught doing something illegal you go to jail. Do the cops stop you every morning on your way to work to establish that you're not carrying a nuke?

I just... I can't even...


You said, "The problem is giving guns to people."

In response to your own claim that, "The problem isn't guns. It's people."

I said to disarm the "government" made up of people

What is your goddamned obsession with government? You don't want to disarm mass shooters and rapists, just government? Very rational.

Apparently, you've got nothing for that.

Apparently you can't remember what your own claim was about.

Obviously, guns have to do with "gun violence"

So why did you say they don't? You said the problem isn't guns.

as they are being used to force one's will upon others, in an attempt to violate them, to include taking their life.

Of course they are, because that is what guns were invented for!! For taking life. Are we finally getting somewhere?

What I described in my statement about gun control being gun violence is accurate

For God's sake no it isn't accurate. Gun violence is gun violence. Gun control is gun control.

it would take that very scenario to happen if people do not obey such a "law"

You are repeating the exact same assertion I debunked. There was a handgun ban in the UK following the Dunblane Massace and no armed soldiers turned up at my door. It is your responsibility to follow the law because the government does not have the resources, manpower or inclination to check every single home to see if every single law is being followed. That's absolutely fucking RIDICULOUS!!! Do armed soldiers turn up at the weekend to check you aren't trafficking children from your basement? Or committing computer fraud through your laptop?

The things you are saying are nothing short of insanity.

Look, the first people who should disarm are those in "government"

Do you like living in a civilised society which has laws? Where people aren't allowed to rob you in the street or rape your wife?

Because if you do, then the price you pay for that is government.

Idiots like you complain about guns being taken from "law-abiding citizens", but nobody is more "law-abiding" than the government, because they make the goddamned laws!!!

It’s funny I was just watching the great John Cleese in an interview say that a sizable proportion of the American population are idiots

It's very difficult to disagree with him.

That said, I have a tremendous amount of respect for the ones who aren't. It must be much harder to actually live inside that bubble of stupidity and still get to the bottom of how the world really works.

In their mind Trump was a fascist. They would need guns to get rid of him

Why does nobody in your idiot country understand that the fascists used propaganda and not guns to obtain control of Germany? The people voted the Nazis into power because -- as you guys keep proving every day -- people are fucking stupid.

How so? I followed it with a description of exactly how it is violence.

You followed it up with the demonstrably false claim that a gun ban necessitates armed soldiers coming to your door.

As Jody quite rightly pointed out, your claims are absolutely fucking ridiculous. They illustrate an ignorance which is so mind-numbingly profound that there is little point in any reasonable person even trying to have a conversation with you.

Then, disarm the "government"

I don't need to disarm the government to debunk your ridiculous idea that guns have no relationship to gun violence.

A gun is a defensive tool

Help me understand how anybody could be stupid enough to think guns are for defence.

Gun control was vary much in place, as it always was and still is, in Scotland when this massacre took place.

Dunblane: How UK school massacre led to tighter gun control

Argue with CNN you stupid idiot.

”A gun is just a tool “

Yup. They always tend to cut the bit off the end which reads, "for professional killers".

See the idiotic creature actually stated “The rest of the world is jealous of us “ .......I’m beginning to think that an idiocy chemical is pumped daily into the American water supply

They literally are programmed to believe this shit. It's a pity these guys don't have the intelligence to ask themselves why, as complete strangers, they are all repeating the exact same lines.

The problem is not guns, but people

When Americans say stuff like this I just want to slap them in the face. Just so stupid. The problem is giving guns to people.

BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

I always took you for a molotov cocktail kind of guy.

Yeah. You're wrong about a lot of stuff.

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