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This personal waterfall shows you all of DaWolfman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"Measuring 46 meters in all, the tower represents the age of the earth, with each centimetre equating to 1 million years and with, at the tower’s base, a tiny band of gold a mere millimetre thick standing for mankind’s time on earth.The Temple is dedicated to the idea of perspective, which is something we’re prone to lose in the midst of our busy modern lives."

I actually find the idea in itself interesting, but I also find it extremely peculiar. I have no problem with a building which represents Atheism within itself, but it just for some reason reminds me of George Orwell's 1984.

1 point

Is it called '' ?

1 point

Penn Jillette, like so many Godhaters fabricates lies from God's word. First of all, God was absolutely NOT okay with Lot's daughters being raped, because they were NOT raped. Lot offered them to the angry mob that wanted to seduce the visiting angels, but that was Lot, NOT God. Anyway, the mob refused Lot's daughters because they were homosexual, and they wanted to have sex with the male angels. The two daughters later seduced Lot because they truly believed all men were destroyed when God rained fire and brimstone down upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Now I like the logical reasoning you had, it was in fact absolutely outstanding.

My only issue is all of the support for your argument sounds completely and wholly insane. You backed your argument with what you believe to be true and you did use logic to back yourself, it is just what you are defending. The specific story that is, the bible isn't wholly rediculous all the time... just a solid chunk of the time.

1 point

So how did you do in English grammar and spelling in school?

Just wanted to break the ice there, I haven't watched either of Joe's videos because I am sure I have seen enough of those on Youtube and other sources before... The point of the video is probably that after the gentleman read the bible in depth, whilst using logical reasoning, he realized that after reading the unbelievably amazing and extraordinary happenstances that Christianity or Catholocism or whatever his specific denomination happened to be; he decided it was all rediculous.

1 point

There are always going to be those silly people that take you seriously...

1 point

Absolutely brilliant.

1 point

Well, I can't say I disagree.

1 point


1 point

From the viewpoint of a holy man, I guess that would make sense.


1 point

Well if we are talking about civil war generals then yes.

Man I can spot a JC debate from a mile away.


1 point

Were you really trying to find logic in a specific political stance?

2 points


1 point

That thing looks like a ridiculously big waste of money.

2 points



1 point

40-60 range

1 point

If she was hot and lacking in the wrinkle department hell why not?

2 points

They would never agree with each other!

1 point

You hit a jack pot of posts here Joe, is this your first over a hundred poster? =P

1 point

I think you have actually matured a little ... =P

1 point

Wouldn't want to give any kids sex-ed before they are ready for it =P

1 point

It was my quest to see what the original CD debate was, every time I saw an interesting debate I would stop and drop a comment =P

1 point

I have a dirty mind.

1 point

I thought you were using rug interchangeably with pussy. Guess my mind is in the gutter ;)

1 point

He wanted change, and had hope for it. ;P

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