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Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
1 point

Not really an escalation, more of a natural progression to the scenario which you've painted.

People don't like their children being shot, so they will provide them with the whatever personal protection they would need for survival.

1 point

Now there's an idea, a real 'light bulb' moment.

I'll bet your post is undergoing a feasibility study by the C.I.A. at this very moment.

1 point

I think all of us, even the black criminals, know the answer to that problem. We're paying a very heavy price for the sins of our fathers, i.e, slavery. Violence and criminality is a congenital characteristic of black people and we are just going to have to live with the eye-watering cost of keeping them away from normal society. Maybe sometime in the future a programme of sterilization will be introduced.

1 point

How dare you not take offence when I went to the effort to be downright offensive. I was exercising my civil right to be insulting and you hadn't the common decency to express annoyance. From here on in I'm going to be polite and pleasant to you. See how you like those apples.

1 point

Of course we have you fool. Everyone on this site, including you, but excluding me, are are a bunch of pretentious wannabe academics who cannot communicate with their fellow human beings in the real world, so you, along with the rest of the rabble on here, use this medium to rent your frustrations and hang ups which are a result of your social backwardness. The stupidity of your questions are only surpassed by the embarrassingly ridiculous answers which you sometimes try to give.

1 point

Yeah, I've noticed that in all the movie night club scenes, even the most recent ones, Sam is always there in the corner playing,(it again) ''As Time Goes by'' with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman leaning on the piano.

1 point

I still use my Al Capone, bulletproof V8 Cadillac fast getaway Sedan. Great for hanging out the back windows blasting away with a Tommy gun, even when you're not being chased.

Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
1 point

Hey,you sure dam de funny girl. Why I bet you have dem Bothers falling out of de trees with laughter back home down the Bongo.

1 point

I belong to a society of secrets, but not a secret society.

2 points

I place intuition over logic every time. Creativity is seldom, if ever, based on logic. Entertainment is not based on logic, it is a medium of intellect and emotion. Inventiveness is spawned from totally illogical concepts and romantic visions of things never seen, tried nor even imagined before. The boredom of logic is the region where mathematicians spend their time. Throw the 'logic commandments of debate' in the bin and let every participant present their argument in their own individual manner.

1 point

The Planet of the Apps. Can't say that I do because I don't. Slack was the name given to a loose, slow burning solid fuel used in open fires around the the period of 40s and 50s. It spawned the light-hearted comment, tell your da not to go down the coal mine, there's plenty of slack in his drawers, (underpants).

1 point

On Friday past, somewhat lost, I was driving through the misty glens of County Mayo and stopped to ask the way to Achill Island. The local gave me clear directions and then, as I was leaving, commented, 'isn't that Donald Trump a dangerous man''. I thought, gee, even in the remotest corners of Ireland this boisterous man is both famous and feared. But, I think unjustifiably so. The people to fear are not true Americans, prominent or otherwise. By true Americans I mean the descendants of those European settlers who pioneered the Land and made it a nation which has the low lives of the failed countries of the world trying to gain entry by fair means of foul.

1 point

Well done the Americans. Once again it's the Yanks to the rescue in France.

1 point

The ''four noble truths' didn't seem to impress the Chinese communists as they occupied the country and brutally extinguished a major uprising in 1959. My ''noble truth is;- if you want peace, prepare for war.

1 point

Despite what the cynics say, it is still very much a country where the people have the freedom to make it whatever they want it to be. A free, enterprising, self reliant and confident nation. Long live America.

1 point

A man without a chopper, or a woman without a Mantovani is of no earthly good to anyone. It is best to expunge the earth of such freaks of nature.

1 point

The tuition fees are a bit hefty, but it's a real breathtaking experience. However, the strictly enforced enrollment criteria can be difficult to pass. You have to be a filthy, low life, mass murdering terrorist.

1 point

I'm not sure what comes next, but I went to one of those gay, biker, transgender, straight, bi-sexual, Hari Krishna Sushi bars recently and I feel the answer may well evolve from some such place.

1 point

Criminals of all skin colours get shot every day trying to resist arrest. It's just that blacks have an inbuilt persecution complex which is fostered, and indeed encouraged by sanctimonious numskulls like you trying to stir the brown stuff. Killing for sport is pathetic and sick and the filth who willfully subjected this majestic animal to a prolonged 48 hour agonizing death deserves to be treated in exactly manner. Try thinking before you do a bit of cheap sniping from the anonymity of your computer room by making an altogether inappropriate analogy in an effort to gain the moral high ground. The big brave dentist will probably never be able to safely practice his profession again.

1 point

What about if we say that there is no such thing as an absolute truth? If we agree with that assertion, then the statement itself is an absolute truth. So, following that logic we have to accept that there is such a thing as an absolute truth which automatically renders that all opposing arguments are wrong.

1 point

That's why I never travel on an American or British ship. Other nation's shipping lines don't have this '' woman & children first'' rubbish.

1 point

Despite having all the advanced technology to which they referred at their disposal meteorologists and scientists can't forecast the weather accurately much further than 3 or 4 days ahead. In this context I would take this report with a ''dose'' of salts.

1 point

I agree, and recognise the essential part bees play in the global Eco system, but like other environmental catastrophes we are told the problem without offering a viable solution in which we could participate. We're told that every day a section of the rain forest the size of Wales is destroyed, ( it's always Wales) and the disastrous affect this has on the world's climate. What can I do about that? Go to South America and ask those logger chaps if they would mind awfully to stop chopping down so many trees? I'm sure you can see the problem I'd have with that. Travelling back to Ireland from Brazil with a hatchet sticking from my head would be bothersome. How can I help to save the world's honey bee population? Along with 100s of 1000s of others I plant flowers and flowering bushes which bees like, but this doesn't seem to be working. Let the experts tell us what to do and we'll give it our best shot.

Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
1 point

Out of date proverb ;-''Beware Greeks bearing gifts''. No quarter should be given. The money which was given, and will continue to be given, derives from the hard working taxpayers of the Euro Zone States. The politicians, ( who in my opinion, were guilty of gross misconduct), were charged with the responsibility of using taxpayer's dosh wisely and prudently, but instead acted with blind disregard of Greece's disastrous economy and betrayed the electorate of their respective countries and should be summarily dismissed and charged with criminal negligence. Successive Greek governments willfully flaunted the fiscal restrictions governing membership of the Euro Zone in the full knowledge of the inevitable consequences. What, I ask, has changed within the Greek economy to make anyone think that they will be able to repay any new loans never mind the existing amount of £ 340 billion? Other countries which could shortly follow Greece include, Portugal, Spain and Italy. Should all these siesta loving, wine drinking nations all be ''cut some slack''?

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