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This personal waterfall shows you all of Altarion's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That must have been quite embarassing for the parents. I would hate to be in their shoes.

3 points

Well, ya. I mean, the Muslim society are always claiming the world is against them and they are a people of peace and yada yada yada life is so hard for them, but this proves they are the instigators! They want to be accepted and yet they are refusing to accept gays as equals by not playing a soccer game against them. I mean, that just makes total sense!

2 points

Yes. That just means Mexicans found a new way to get across the border. If they are illegal with their current means, if they somehow had the resources to build a UFO and fly here then you know they would still be considered illegal aliens! (;

1 point

It's true! I'm the nice guy and find it way too hard to hook up with girls because they all just want to be friends and nothing more. )':

It totally sucks when you are friends with the greatest gal in the world but because she likes you too much as a friend you will never get anywhere with her!

0 points

Yes; It's proper grammer; the spelling is all correct. What's the issue here?


1 point

I still pull this crap on my mom! (;

It gets her to listen to me eventually, and then usually I get an "Ok" just so I'll leave her alone.

1 point

My meme (grandmother) likes to tell me, "The memory is the first thing to go, and I can't remember the second."

1 point

No. I don't have it. The reason I don't have it however, is that sometimes I have it so bad that I foget that I even forgot something in the first place! (;

3 points

Sounds like a good plan to me! Deleting people you have already added is a lot quicker than waiting and stalking their profile to make sure they go on all the time. (;

2 points

I want to move to Texas and try this out now! Man, the cops musta been like "WTF?!"


1 point

I'm sorry but I have to agree with J.C. What do you think the children are going to do? I mean they will have such a tragic life if they are born! I know that it is legally acceptable, but morally it is just insane and shouldn't be tolerated! I hope this woman will have to get a neurological exam and get thrown into a Looney Bin!

5 points

Yes, I completely and totally agree. Now I'm not trying to be a complete ass or anything, but I feel like the link I am referring to is one of the main irritants of mine towards women's rights.

Supporting Evidence: Abortion: What About a Man's Choice? (
1 point

But that means no more snow days!

Wait...I live in sunny California! It never snows here anyways!

1 point

but for those of us with beach front property, we will end up at the bottom of the ocean!

2 points

"When I said I wanted a horny bitch I didn't mean a dog with horns!"

1 point

Teach a person to use the internet and in 2 hours you'll have to teach them how do to something else pertaining to the internet and so on and so on.

(My grandma)

1 point

Ya, but usually all their holes are plugged by various sources. (;

1 point

I don't think so. They have too many holes in them. (;

2 points

At least me.

I was hoping for an email from a very special person but when I checked I had like 4 or 5 emails saying "JoeCavalry has invited you to a debate." So I either got pissed off or really bummed out because I thought that one of those emails was from that special person.


1 point

Isn't inhibitting the transmission of pheremones a good thing? I mean I did poorly in biology but I'm pretty sure it is. :P

And tin foil condoms seem painful for both sides of it: the user and the reciever! :P

1 point

Well if you are comparing a Hobo to a commoner then yes because commoners can afford baths and deoderant and the essentials to maintaining decent cleanliness. (;

2 points

Surely you must understand that the same is true with violence...why are we attacking terrorists? Because they attacked us. Why did they attack us? Because we did something to them. Why did we do something to them? ect...

So what did we do to them? Is it that we created a free market economy based on multi-national trade which let our country flourish while their land shut out the rest of the world and went into a spiral of poverty?

1 point

The only way to beat a stick is with a bigger stick. We have the bigger stick, but for some reason we aren't using it. Let's show those terrorists the same thing we showed Germany when we ended WWII! All that patriotism and force that put America on top should not be going to waste now. We need to end the war on terror once and for all. The only thing stopping us from doing that are those damned liberals who think that non-violence is the answer.

2 points

Don't they bend their knees backwards like birds?

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