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This personal waterfall shows you all of Dcb9242000's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This is the way it used to be, but now it's basically the opposite. If a cisexual white man insults a women or a black person or a queer person, then they are labelled as a discriminating jerk. If a white police officer shoots a black man, then the whole African-American community blows up about it, even if the shooting was in self-defense and unavoidable. If a black police officer just blatantly shot a white person for no apparent reason, anyone who protests against it is called racist. Legally and economically, white men do have it better than everyone else, but socially, they don't.

1 point

joecavalry's account has over 36000 points, not jolie's. All of the arguments and debates on jolie's profile are useless.

1 point

Jolie is your enemy

Reward Points: 2268

Efficiency: 96%

Arguments: 1478

Debates: 241

Thats 2268, not 36,000. 241 debates (that are all useless).

1 point

Then why are you even on this website? It's kind of hard not to have two thousand points when you have two hundred useless debates and even more useless posts.

1 point

Bruce Wayne may be a better fighter than Clark Kent and Tony Stark, but in superhero form, Batman would be crushed. If you take away everything that makes them a superhero and just have them fight as normal people, then they aren't Batman, Superman, or Ironman anymore.

1 point

A yes or no question only has two answers, but there are many justifications for an answer. If it was just you click a button to vote for the side that you think is right, then it might be, but since we are given the chance to explain ourselves, then I don't think we are.

1 point

I'm supporting the negative side because he didn't "become" a woman. You can't change your sex or gender, which are in fact the same thing. You can cross dress, act like the opposite gender, and even have surgery to change your sex organs, but you still have the same chromosomes as before and are therefore the same gender.

1 point

A woman doesn't really have a choice, unless they get an abortion. Those can cost anywhere from $350 to several thousand dollars, depending on the stage in pregnancy. It is free for a man to walk away from a pregnancy.

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