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2 points

Even though I happen to be posting in this section, this premise is too vague to make a real argument. Fetishes can range from harmless activities that may not involve sexual gratification, but as strong or obsessive inclination for some type of activity. Most likely Sexual Fetish is being referred to here, which can be a harmless source of pleasure or one that might exist on the opposite side of the spectrum. Fetishes have been known to become so extreme, that said activities may involve the murder of another human being, such is the case of Armin Meiwes.

Whether or not an individual should feel embarrassed or guilty depends how the person decides to react to the public knowledge of their own fetish. On the other hand, it can be viewed from society as a diabolical act which should have consequences including shame or traditional punishments. If this is the case, then I must say there are situations where fetishes should be something to be ashamed about. Mainly for the sake of instilling moral values into others.

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