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This personal waterfall shows you all of GhostheadX's arguments, looking across every debate.

IMO I'd rather you slap the guy because it's appropriate for women to slap men, and run away, or kick him in the balls and have that not be a rapist, than follow him away from the mall your probably at where people can see you (which is something all forms of intelligent predators will try to do regardless of if they are a sexual predator) and have them gag you and kidnap you which is actually an actual technique all forms of predators, murderers, etc. will use to kidnap is they'll be REALLY REALLY GOOD at looking nice through practice.

I don't get the joke. Am I dumb?

Am I innocent? What is so funny about a white guy knocking out a black guy? That's awful. Although if it really is an arranged fight between two guys I don't care.

Let's take our average human and name him John Doe. You can think of John as any human being regardless of race gender or religion who's mind you want to change.

You can throw facts at John.

You can yell at John.

You can say "moron" to John Doe all you want.

You can beg John to change his behavior.

You can throw sticks and stones at John and threaten to sew his mouth to someone else's ass to make one long digestive track if he doesn't change his mind.

You can show him beautiful life inspiring stories of people who succeeded by disagreeing with him.

You can offer him Kate Upton for life and a trillion dollars.

But ultimately, it's his decision when he wants to change his mind, not yours.

Yes, but not the ones you think there are:

If we stay down this path, scientists will make sure that becomes everyone.

Well, I don't know what Murica is, but I have an excellent debate IMO for you all to join: flashing aterroristwontwork

Just wanted to showcase it.

You're pretty damn skilled with photoshop. Like the fire against the silvery-black background.

He just lined you to abiogenesis which is basically the theory of how a single called organism came into being

There is no proof to intelligent design as well as no proof of evolution.

If you think rock that has replaced decaying matter that can be compared to animal bone, proving it's not animal bone, is animal bone, then maybe you have a good point.

they teach it as fact in our schools.

They teach it as a theory in our schools. What they say is it's the most credible theory we have so far. And being a theory is not being a hypothesis. It stands up to every test and everyone tries and fails to disprove it. Also, there are mountains of evidence to support it: layers.html remains.html

Now why don't you do some research.

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

Remember the killer bees? That was a scientist playing with nature.

Maybe, but I think Frankenstein is still not going to happen just cuz of this sort of thing unless we take a primate with very close DNA to a human and try to make a baby with it, which probably won't work.

It would be great to have a bacteria eating up green house gasses. We already have natural bacteria eating up oil spills.

All the doom and gloom of environmentalists telling us how these oil spills would take centuries to clean up.

Well it seems the oceans already had their own answer for it. I believe the same will happen with green house gasses. Nature has a way of cleaning up our messes.

Maybe, but that doesn't prove intelligent design. It's a hypothesis you made and not really even a theory.

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

13.799 years ago or 13.799 million years ago? I say that because I'm not 14 so I think your referring to the origin of life 13.799 mya.

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

Ok, what they actually believe in is that there was a single cell that we don't know how it formed but we believe it was made via some chemical process. Our planet and the universe already existed. Obviously there were all the ingredients for life.

Evolution is more about how it developed than how it formed.

So what's the theory on how it formed?

Evolutionists believe there was nothing and from that came a single cell via chemical processes and that life is merely chemical not beautiful.



ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

So then what does the Bible say about this article:

I'll bet it has nothing to explain that. I made a separate debate about whether or not scientists can make artificial life based on this, although that's retarded because technically this proves they can.

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

What about the blue one? You didn't say anything about the blue one.

I think God's eyes aren't that simple. It's nice parkour though.

How is all technology going to send us to hell other than tech that is deliberately created to harm others? It has solved a lot. Cave men lived much shorter lives. I know and I haven't even read the whole article:

Population of humans has grown rapidly as technology has advanced:

This is because in cave man times we much more often ate raw meat (which has parasites) and were exposed to things that could kill us more often like Tigers. A man without a gun ain't killing no bear by hand, and to do so would require something like a spear, which is early tech, but to be maximally safe we needed guns. Very few humans on Earth are able to wrestle bears and frankly the bears are probably going pretty easy on the human even in that case. There was a famous UFC fighter who barely managed to do so from time to time and he was famous for doing that and he was one of the best fighters in the world and it wasn't exactly a strong bear.

Technology has allowed humans to solve problems using their brains. If we stayed as cave men we wouldn't heal as well and would die of colds. Even in Medieval Times, something as minor as the cold could kill someone because they'd have it for months: medieval-life/medieval-medicine.htm

A lot of the things that were supposed to be unbreakable punishments from God, were curable because an infection from a simple wound could kill someone since we didn't have antibiotics at that time. But today most of that stuff can be eliminated very quickly with a first aid kit or a short trip to the doctor, no prayers to god needed and no churches needed.

I'm not saying religion is wrong or that it is bad. I'm a little bit religious myself. But saying man's problems don't come from themselves seems like an excuse not to take responsibility and do stuff yourself. Now I'm Jewish mind you, and my religion is different from Christianity in that Judaism puts right practice over right belief.

I believe God wants us to take responsibility for problems we create for ourselves. Even without an argument from the Torah, saying that a man who does drugs is not the one killing himself is naive and just plain wrong. So is the person who believes suicide is not an action of a human, even if it is listening to Satan (same as drugs). Even if these things come from people listening to Satan, humans have a choice to do otherwise. Sorry, but I don't blame the devil for my own choice to listen to him.

If society could man up and face this, we'd realize that even if Satan inspires terrorists to blow up buildings, those terrorists still have a choice not to do so.

Thus, there are very few problems that are not man made and a lot of the ones that are, like a large percentage of diseases out there even though a lot of life threatening diseases out there unsolved, we have prevented most future polio cases from occurring in the first place. I guess Earthquakes and other natural disasters like volcanoes are unsolvable, but that's it.

If we blame our problems on other causes even when we made them for ourselves, we cannot solve them. End of story. Treat the symptom and you only make things temporarily better. Eliminate the cause and the problem slowly diminishes permanently.

Believing in God is not an excuse not to take responsibility for your own actions, and I think God agrees because otherwise you can kill anyone you want and arguably say it isn't your fault they died.

just looked it up. good point.


Yeah um, why doesn't the US hack anyone else? If they do, why don't we hear the news on the US hacking other countries?

2 points

People need to accept Trump as potus. Its time to get over it. It's over.

They won't help anything. That's for sure. So why can't we all just get over it?

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

except hollywood celebrities made a video in favor of Clinton not Trump

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

Ok point taken.

Your name is Jolie... You realize celebs are liberal right?

ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

I don't understand. You favor abortions. You think they should be legal right?

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