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This personal waterfall shows you all of Goodmale's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, of course it would be...

........... ........ ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...

1 point

Love ❤ is when you would do anything for the one you love even if it doesn't make you happy.

1 point

No, I need it to make zoophilia legal.😊 :Phfdjjggte fjhrfgj ggjfegj

1 point

lolololololololol lololololololol lolololololol lolololollolol lolololololol lololololollololol lololololol

1 point

Why are you so ok with that but not gay sex!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Support equalilty for all and end discrimination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

No!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

For one I don't think he is in the mood and two he is getting all muddy and wet outside in the water. Answer the fact statement I made.

2 points

That's not true because soon in the future scientists will be able to get man the real like body of a women and even have a baby and the same with get women to be able to produce sperm. Gays having sex will help the society from sadness and suicide rates and also rebel against those that are against gay sex it could lead to killing and many other things. The part to getting gays to become right is very unlikely and it would cause more problems than good for society and also it's like trying to get a straight christian to turn gay and not believe in God.

1 point

Do you support neutering and spaying because they can't give consent to that but we do it anyway but let me guss you will say there is a difference because "neutering is not as bad as rape" so before you say that, there are still both wrong and until you take action at banning neutering and spaying your just a hypocritical.

And anyway animals can give consent and your are getting yourself into a argument that you don't even know much about like I do.

1 point

Gutuftyctuctucghhgfcghcugchghvhgchgvhtvhgv vgvutvhvvghhgctgfg cghc

1 point

I bid Hellno !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 points

So that means I can be with my dog because most animals can consent and dogs are one of them.

1 point

Can you prove that or is that just your opinion !!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Millions of kids and adults are suffering from hunger but we don't spay and neuter them.

1 point

There are also stray kids and adults walking around with no home.

2 points

He is right you do piss people off but not as much as other people on here like hitler.

0 points

Ok I think that you are just not going stop crying the same thing over and over that's all you do is cry.

1 point

This bitch will kick your ass you need to grow up and have respect for females or you will be sleeping with a blow up doll.

0 points

Grow up your come back sucks and I can't believe your still crying. If you can't understand knew grammar kid I would think that you should learn.

1 point

LOL you have no life the only thing you get to do is cry over people grammar

1 point

Do you have prove it's illegal and if you can't take the insult then don't insult other people jack ass.

1 point

It's how the up-to-date people are talking know your old lady. It only takes common sense to understand what it means.

0 points

I think you need help because you can't understand a god dam thing about animals or the law. Why not bug off and fuck a human if your so good you would not be here loser.

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