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This personal waterfall shows you all of Joecavalry's arguments, looking across every debate.

Maybe try a bidet ;)

Oooh, somebody got all butt-hurt and down voted me ;)

You go joe ;)

Boys are boys from the beginning.

Girls are girls right from the start.

If you're born a boy, you stay a boy.

If you're a girl, you grow up to be a lady ;)

The Holocaust - for sure ;)

Slavery - for sure ;)

Now being woke means a whole lot more ;)

I know I would remember that if it happened to me ;)

Some things have gotten more complicated since I was born. For example, being woke is no longer as simple as having a cup of coffee. ;)

He's sure is a Pyle of ;)

Wait..., what???? Hooker in Delhi??? ;)

My first day back in years and already someone hates me



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