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Mithoo19's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mithoo19's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

they were loyal to him and did whatever he said..but twitter is completely diffrent

1 point

god must be irritated with those people, so as to punish them he hit them in the form of hail :)

1 point

spring is fun but then summer comes and everything become dry and die;)

1 point

its white and gold .. :)

1 point

if there were only diamonds on earth and a few ordinary rocks ..people would wear ordinary rocks in their necks as necklaces

1 point

that's funny, the way she falls in the end


0 points

they are beautiful rocks :)

1 point

you are toooo old for expecting Santa ;)

1 point

you cannot be perfect but can always be near to perfection :)

2 points

Oh !! thank you for teaching me uncle joe ..

i am honored to be your student :)

2 points

are you gifting these jars to us ???

1 point

i'm not a guy but.. i think i should also start using eye makeup ;)

1 point

i dip the fries most of the times but sometimes the fries fall into the ketchup :)

1 point

it cannot be called arguing .. because most of the time people on CD are debating

1 point

who would use a battery as a toothpaste ??

1 point

he must have woken up when the school got over :)

1 point

thats quite cool unless you know how to land :)

1 point

i am 14 years old ..and my birthday was on 19 feb :)

1 point

percy jackson and the lightening theif

1 point

i never noticed that .. is does look like a duck :)

1 point

the music would be irratating after a period of time . :)

1 point

this proof is better than drawin's long theory :P

1 point

thanks!!! :)

1 point

thankyou !! :)

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