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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Here's one of the benefits of society. Can you think of other benefits besides the iPhone (6)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Here's one of the benefits of society. Can you think of other benefits besides the iPhone

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I don't know what I would do without my alarm clock ;)

You're debates are still uncannily easy to identify as joecavalry debates. Someones bitching about iPhones? Must be ones of joe's debates.

Would you prefer my debates be more stealthy and sucker people in ;)

1 point

As for the time, yeah, it goes on so fast. Thats why some people get left behind by it.

Benefits of the society.. well.. a society helps with the integration of the people, in providing unity to them.

This whole time thing reminds me of the song "Wait" by M83.

Benefit--Paper, writing on walls could get old real fast.


Do we need society to create paper? What if we evolve our technology to the point where an individual has no need for any other individual except companionship? A technology capable of providing us with food and shelter. A technology that allows us to focus on exploration and creation. I am fascinated by the idea of "seeding" other planets with life. Would that make us Gods ;)