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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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joecavalry(40163) pic

Let us rehash a few debates that got more than 150 votes

378 votes:  Should people who are morally agaisnt abortions be forced to pay for those who w

winning:  196 No, let them be


250 votes:  Should Marijuana be legalized?

winning:  171 Like, yeah man


195 votes:  The Constitution says, promote for the general welfare, not provide welfare

winning:  124 Yeah, that's right


174 votes:  Can we use Non-Violence to destroy terrorism?

winning:  89 What? Are you on drugs?


162 votes:  So..., you still believe in global warming, huh?

winning:  114 yeah, why not?


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Why let a good debate go to waste when you can just recycle it ;)

2 points

Your such an engineer :)

They need to let people with high efficiency and many posts make less then 50 char arguments.

TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Why have they been deleted?

OK, I fixed all but one. The one about marijuana. I have to find it ;)

OK, I have fixed all the links. Man! What a pain. ;)