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 Thousands of demonstrators across US say 'Not My President' (47)

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jolie(9810) pic

Thousands of demonstrators across US say 'Not My President'

What exactly do these demonstrations accomplish?
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3 points

It would be totally wrong for any President to succumb to the bully-boy tactics of the anarchists.

The problem will worsen when these anti-democratic revolutionaries realize that, so far, their relatively peaceful demonstrations are getting them nowhere and they decide to escalate their spiteful protests into violent insurrection.

Don't anyone be mistaken, insurrection is exactly where these totally unnecessary demonstrations are leading.

President Trump was elected by the American method of democracy and it's high time that those who feel aggrieved with the outcome of the election, accept the result, cease their juvenile acts of self destructive dissent and put their 'backs to the wheel'' in a united effort to help America back on the road to recovery.

You can bet your bottom dollar that lurking somewhere in the shadows there will be a sinister organization(s) manipulating the weak minded, easily led protesters into violent insurrection.

These so called anti- Trump protests have already gone well beyond any acceptable norm and are slowly becoming increasingly violent with the highways of our country being barricaded and motorists having their windows battered by over hysterical, undemocratic ''loonie lefties''.

The flames of harmful dissent are being fanned by a vindictive, mischievous and un-American media.

Don't pooh pooh what's going on under your noses, as it's all leading the nation towards a very unpleasant place.

-Yuri-(284) Clarified
1 point

Now I do not know and I am not certian but I heard of them talking about it was rigged was there any truth to that or no o.o

Antrim(1287) Clarified
1 point

As far as I know, I don't know.

Hope that clarifies things for you.

2 points

Duplicate .....................................................................................

1 point

I think it is a form of group therapy ;)

1 point

Who cares? They are free to leave the country. .

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Yep but they'd still have to pay tax to the USA. You guys are never free to matter where you go.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

"You guys are never free to matter where you go."

What a well thought out statement there Progressive LMMFAO !

Your statement proves that Progressives just can't engage their brain !

DevinSeay(1120) Disputed
1 point

Not if you neutralize your citizenship.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I doubt that they are paying taxes now, don't see why they would pay them if they leave the country. Most of those people a sponging off the govt. and have no clue about what is going on in the country or in the world.

1 point

I've been wondering the same thing. These protests are largely comprised of either uniformed or ill-informed people, who for some reason believe standing outside holding signs will make a difference. Take it one step further to those violently protesting and blocking roads are doing nothing but hurting their cause.

DevinSeay(1120) Clarified
1 point

Someone is going to get killed if they keep blocking roads like that. Especially when they start banging on people's windows.

1 point

Absolutely nothing. It's good for us Conservatives though. The more the left aggravates other Democrats in inner cities that just want to get on with their lives, the more it helps our cause of winning yet another general election.

1 point

Whether right or wrong it accomplishes:

a) news coverage

b) pressure, not necessarily on Trump because he doesn't give a sh!t but it does on the other members of Washington around him,

c) a safety valve release on frustrations for that segment of society

d) getting you to make a debate about it - so to some extent it triggers conversation.

1 point

C) - group therapy ;)

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Progressive why didn't all the Progressives that oppose Trump show up at the ballot box and elect "Your Girl Hillary" ?

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

In reality there is not enough of them. Take a way a few million fake votes and there is even less. The protesters are the most mindless and least productive segment of society, they are being told that what they are doing is important and they believe it....they sure have nothing better to do, bunch of sponging losers.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What frustrations do the Progressives have when they couldn't beat Trump at the ballot box ?

Bull_Moose(82) Disputed
2 points

Hillary won the ballot box, just sayin'..................

1 point

When the True Dentist returns the president shall bow in respect to him and transfer power immediately so that he will have mercy on his soul. All of shall do the smae in begging for mercy

That's fine. Obama bombed 7 nations, toppled 2 foreign leaders with force, tried to topple 4 leaders, pushed us to nearly $20 trillion in national debt, Obamacare tanked as companies "opted out" and premiums skyrocketed, and took the racial divide between blacks and whites back 50 years. Not my Ex-President.

1 point

People believe that the US owes them everything, and they have no idea how to react when they dont get what they want. I'm not a liberal, but most of the liberals I now are not such cry babies like the ones who are marching around chanting.

2 points

That is because the protesting liberals are grown but they are not grown, grown. The liberals that you know are grown, grown. So, this means that the protesting liberals can ride a dick but they do not know how to do their taxes ;)