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RSS Gaytruth

Reward Points:38
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I could perform gay or straight acts if I wanted to, that is a choice. It's whether I enjoy them or not that I don't have a choice in. And gay acts appeal to me, straight ones don't. It's like choosing to enjoy pain or not- you don't get that choice.

My point is performing gay acts is a choice

1 point

I am gay so I can judge on this matter.

How is it not a choice too not perform gay acts? I could perform straight acts but I choose not too.

1 point

So gays can't judge, but you can? .

I am saying I am can judge as I am not a hypocrite Jesus was talking about hypocrites in Matthew 7:1 and verses that were brought up as that

1 point

Let He who is without sin cast the first stone. -Jesus .

I am not gay so I can judge on this matter

1 point

No it isn't. I did not choose to be bisexual.

It is a choice to act upon those feelings

1 point

I think we should strive to identify the killer and then let nature take its course ;)

So we give him 30 years to live? Seems kinda of short compared to Norway?

Michael Moore Visits Norway Prison
1 point

Can we all agree that there should not be any laws banning abortions?

That is like saying we shouldn't stop murderers because God will deal with them

1 point

How do we know you weren't up voting your side with an alternate account? ;)

Do I smell a conspiracy?

-1 points

can we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

This would reduce the percentage of sinners

1 point

an we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

If there is one we should get rid of it

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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