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RSS Iamevil

Reward Points:34
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

If a kid really wants to kill his classmates, he's going to do it regardless of restrictions.

This is retard logic. You are trying to use a fact (i.e. some people will kill regardless) to validate the opposite of a fact (i.e. we should therefore make it ten times easier for them by arming them with guns). Your statement is, at very best, completely fucking irrelevant.

And, when that kid obtains a gun, legally or otherwise, and shoots up his school, who's going to take him down if no citizen can legally own a gun?

Ah, the old "we need more guns to save us from all the guns" circular reasoning. How refreshing. Jesus Christ you're so stupid. In Britain we do not need to give out automatic weapons to our school children to "protect" them from maniacs with automatic weapons. Do you know why? BECAUSE WE DON'T GIVE OUT AUTOMATIC WEAPONS TO MANIACS IN THE FIRST PLACE!! You are literally so much of a retard that you want to arm everybody, right down to little old ladies and pre-pubescent school children, instead of just doing the simple thing and taking the gun away from the shooter. Nobody needs guns to defend themselves in a society which isn't selling guns, because the bad guys don't have guns.

You and your entire gun culture are fucking retarded. You've had your brain melted with fallacious NRA bullshit your entire life. It's a wonder you know up from down, if indeed you even do.

1 point

The Cold War didn't end during Reagan's Presidency?

Were any claims made about who was President at the end of the Cold War?

No there weren't. You stupid retard.

1 point

That's weird. Last time we talked, you said the Democrat Party used to be the right wing party.

Are you saying you don't understand how time works?

1 point

The mere fact that you want to repeal the 2nd Amendment is enough evidence for myself to prove that you are anti-Constitution and anti-America.

Wanting to stop kids getting shot every day is anti-America, you are absolutely correct. Another great point.

1 point

30,000 deaths is tiny compared to 350,000,000 people.

By that logic it was fine to kill 6 million Jews because there were 80 million people in Germany. I mean, you literally have the brain of a twelve year old child. You can't compare dead people to alive people and then argue it proves the dead people should be dead. That's unbelievably stupid. A fairer comparison would be between the 30,000 completely unnecessary, completely preventable gun deaths per year, and the 1,000 people killed by Hurricane Katrina, which constituted a national emergency.

1 point

Not all Democrats are commies

It was Democratic Presidents like Kennedy and Johnson who worked tirelessly to defeat the Communists during the Cold War. The Democrat Party is a liberal capitalist party and if you do not understand that it is because you are either retarded, dishonest or further right than Hitler. Capiche?

You're right, the U.S. didn't defeat communism.

I know I am right. Clearly however, you do not know that, despite what you claim, because you are trying to argue with me.

The USSR collapsed in on itself because of terrible leadership.

As did the US in 2007.

That doesn't mean that communism works

Communism worked for 70 years, during which time the Soviets invented satellite technology and were the first to put a man in space.

What system are you referencing here?

See if you can work it out, Batman.

And it's "which". Which system.

4 points

Ok, you got me. I'm angry at Trump

Why though? I don't get it. You share so much in common. You're both malignant liars with no regard for truth or other people's feelings. Surely you should support each other?

Truth is, I live in the heart of Trumplandia

Nah. Truth is, you wouldn't know truth if it abseiled down the side of your lying face with a climbing rope.

I mind my business.

Nah. You're just a worm who is too scared to speak up for himself in real life.

But, let me come upon a fellow wearing Nazi regalia, and I'll punch him till I can't punch him anymore..

Tough words, Mr Internet. Problem is you're exactly like a Nazi, so I don't know why you don't get along. The Nazis essentially invented smear attacks and false rhetoric, so you should in theory be great friends.

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