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 A Saudi cleric wants all female babies to wear burkas due to little girls being molested (15)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

A Saudi cleric wants all female babies to wear burkas due to little girls being molested

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Why don't they just cut off the molester's dick? ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Instead of banning assault rifles, why don't we just shoot crazy people ;)

1 point

That would decrease the amount of molestation that happens but men would still rape women

All this does is shift the responsibility of the molestation from the molester to the baby.

Safiya(152) Disputed
1 point

Your right but put it this way in America young females and grown women practically dress the same mini skirts, strapless tops, etc and that type of clothing can attract unwanted attention. The more you cover up the safer so that's how this Saudi cleric guy sees it and no burka to him is equivalent to no bra to us

1 point

And the debate is....?

This looks more like a news story than a debate.

It's a perspective debate. Here you can post your perspective on the topic. In this case the topic happens to be a news article. So what do you think about putting burkas on babies? ;)

1 point

Okay, I can barely tell the difference between a clothed female baby and a clothed male baby... how is this going to help, unless they promote it for males as well? And how can anyone find a baby attractive in that way?