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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True What? No! Let me reiterate.
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:25
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 True (8)
 What? No! Let me reiterate. (3)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

A fanatic is a person who can't change his mind and won't change the subject


I just thought that we needed a working definition of a fanatic so that we can spot them.


Side Score: 11

What? No! Let me reiterate.

Side Score: 6

It is exactly because of this working definition that I change topics regularly ;)

Side: True
2 points

Well Joe. They have become increasingly easy to spot of the past three years.

Side: True
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

So, i suppose im a fanatic, aren't i Joe, well of course i am. I mean i have a social conscience, of course im a fanatic.

Side: What? No! Let me reiterate.
Side: True

I never said anything about you. Do you anything about you anywhere in here? Why does it always have to be about you? Are you feeling guilty? Did you try on the shoe and it fit? Is that it ;)

Side: True
1 point

LOL! Like those people that won't shut up about Sarah Palin?

Side: True
-6 points
3 points

No one changes their mind through debates, it just entrenches their own views. People are egotistical and want to defend their own image and most won't admit defeat. To be fanatical you have to take present your argument with caps lock on.

Side: What? No! Let me reiterate.
2 points

I agree completely, nobody will ever admit defeat in a debate,they dont't want to lose face, and yes its purely egotistical, but if they are proven wrong they will have to refine their beliefs. This is what leads them to re-evalutate their opinions later, i base this on the process of transformation my own beleifs went through and on seeing it happen to others.

Side: What? No! Let me reiterate.