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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yay! Nay!
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:30
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 Yay! (8)
 Nay! (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

A few reasons why polygamy should not be outlawed.

1.  There are more women than men due to war and male mortality rates.  Polygamy would give every woman a chance to have a man that they can nag  ;)

2.  The are many bisexual women that are currently forced to pick either a man or a woman.  Polygamy would give every bisexual woman a chance to have both a man and a woman.  This would also bring gay marriage one step closer to becoming a reality  ;)

3.  There are many men out there that can't have just one (i.e. Tiger Woods).  Polygamy would give every man a chance to have more than one.  This would also teach them the meaning of the phrase, "Be careful what you ask for; you may get it!"  ;)

4.  The stronger female would have a chance to force the weaker female into cleaning the house and the man wouldn't have to pay for a maid ;)

5.  It increases the posibility that someone in the relationship know how to cook  ;)

6.  It creates a built in baby sitter.  ;)

7.  In a family with 2 children, the children would be forced to play zone.   ;)

8.  It would reduce the need for wife swapping.  ;)

9.  The man would be too exhausted to visit porn sites.  ;)

10.  Polygamy would create all kinds of funny situations like, Polygamous Pygmys  ;)

Anyway, I'm sure that there are a lot of you out there with more reasons, both for and against, so have at it ;)


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 13
2 points

Despite the fact that that is not how polygamy, infidelity or bisexuality work.........

I am for Polygamy. For very different reasons.

Side: Yay!
2 points

Okay first of all polygamy has actually been proven as the natural order and it increases biodiversity in a species, from a religious perspective it is considered evil.

But on that note I would like to point out that many religions teach that humans are the only animals capable of evil, logically this means that polygamy is note evil as a being incapable of evil performs it constantly. Also the reasons above are purely from the womens' perspective and most of said reasons tend to move away from the actual question, in addition to occasional sexism.

Side: Yay!

polygamy should be legal because there is no reason to make it illegal. the gov't can specify that you must designate a primary spouse for gov't benefits like social security, but other than that - let consenting adults do whatever they want.

Side: Yay!

Consenting adults can do whatever they want. If three people want to live together as a polygamous relationship, they can. The government isn't going to stop them. But if they want to get benefits as well...., that's just not going to fly. If they want to force everyone else to recognize their living arrangement as a marriage..., well...., that's just not going to fly.

Side: Nay!
1 point

I think the question is more about social accepting polygamy or not

but yeh, people should be able to have there own relationships via decision/approval by all parties without the government impeding

Side: Nay!
1 point

i agree that consenting adults should do whatever - so since making it illegal ins't going to stop the practice - what point is there to having a law that makes it illegal?

Side: Yay!
3 points

It seems what your referring to is only polyandry since you've only selected women as the sample group. It would suffice to say that polygamy (more specifically poligany {yes with an "n"}) is the most popular form of marriage in the world. However, even though it's legal in most countries, the expense of keeping several spouses is to much for many people to endure. In a society like America, where independence training is the mentality, creating built in dependencies is in contrast with our Social Structure. This only serves to create animosities and half fulfilled family units. If mediocre relationships are on the menu, then by all means, have at it. But in my case, I'll stick with the one.

Side: Nay!

In spite of the fact that I created the debate, I must dispute myself because polygamy would create more problems than it would solve. ;)

Side: Nay!
1 point

nice debate!

you may be right that it may sound better than it would be practically, but that doesn't mean it should be illegal - which is why the other kind of marriage is legal :-)

Side: Yay!

This makes no sense. Please explain. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Side: Nay!
2 points

From a sex point of view, its bad.

From a valentines day point of view.

Its HELL...

"Who do you love more?"

Kill me.

I mean, if its a choice, then sure: why not?

Side: Nay!
2 points


response - "where is the love" - black eye'd peas

- theres enough jelousy amongst men over one woman, i'm pretty sure this would be hell

- probably have more children, since one man could have many babies at once

which i suppose would be good for countries such as australia, that have a declining birth to death rate, and the work force is becoming older. But hey! lets work out how where gonna keep people fed and this planet alive before owning with a kazillion babies

Side: Nay!