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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Seems about right. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Seems about right. (8)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (7)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

A visual analogy of what's like to debate on this site.

Seems about right.

Side Score: 8

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 7

If we were ever to have a face to face reunion, this is what I would expect to happen.

Side: Seems about right.
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
2 points

"Oh hi!!! So you're [insert debater's name here]. You look nothing like I imagine." [SLAP!!!] ;)

Side: Seems about right.
1 point

Lol, i love this... "can we do it again?!"

I met with a small group of people from the internet who thought it'd be a good idea to meet in public. People I talked to on the internet for years and thought I "knew" in a round about way.

It was.... awkward.

most people didn't show, few words were exchanged, the one who was a real "bigmouth" online was a clenched ass recluse who angrily mumbled something and stormed off, some people who intended to come by did just that... and kept on walking, one guy and girl decided they'd rather leave and get to know eachother in a different way.

when conversation finally picked up we mainly just talked about who said what recently on the forum and who we liked or didnt like.

The four of us who didn't leave after an hour or so played a poor ass game of hack then left.

Back online, NO ONE mentioned it at all, ever! I actually thought for a moment that I dreamt it.

Side: Seems about right.
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

I think what was lacking was mainly shared activity to extend the online rapport into real-life rapport.

Back in 2006, My WoW guild decided to do a meatspace get together- About 20 of us met up at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey for a weekend. It was initially awkward, but we got to chatting mostly about game stuff and recanting old raids as the guildmaster passed out t-shirts he had printed up with our guild name and logo on them.

The initial awkwardness dispelled pretty quickly once we started jumping on roller coasters and such. Our first ride was the El Toro wooden coaster, and we all screamed 'Leeroy Jenkins' as we came down the first hill. With the amusement park activities as a buffer of sorts, by the time dinner rolled around we were almost like old friends.

I believe most friendships tend to be founded on shared experiences, and online experiences don't translate very well into the real world; but by the time we got around to interacting without any other diversions, we had already built a shared experience. It's also probably helpful that we were used to talking to one another over voice chat- jokes that are funny when read aren't always as funny when spoken aloud, so we did have some opportunity ahead of time to get used to one another's voices and get a grasp on good timing for jokes amongst the group.

The guild fell apart about a year after that; it didn't survive the new expansion released for the game. Most of us, myself included, gradually stopped playing altogether, but I still chat with some of them online, and have met up with a couple of them in the 'real world' a few times since as well.

Side: Seems about right.
1 point

Yep. You type you opinion and they start cussing at you like they are 10.

(cough) AveSatanas (cough)

Side: Seems about right.

Those bastards..., how dare they!!! ;)

Side: Seems about right.
1 point

...but on the side note... the blonde in the thumbnail is HOT AS A FIRECRACKA!

Side: Seems about right.
1 point

Yeah, so is it wrong that I first found this arousing?

This is only representative of new users of the site that are all fresh and want to honestly debate, waiting for that first slap of unreasoned bullshit; then they realize its best to slap hardest.

Also; R.I.P. The acting career of Haley Joel Osmans (or whatever, too lazy to look up spelling) aka Fat Mac.

Side: Seems about right.
1 point

Edit: deleted, meant to post it as a reply.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Naw... they are way to nice about it. ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

You really want to slap someone, don't you ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

Just one someone? I never knew you to have such a limited imagination.

Side: Seems about right.