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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 True (3)
 Wait..., what? No! (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Apparently, hating atheists is as American as apple pie


The link below is to an article that states that Americans dislike atheists

and that atheists are the new minority/victimized group.

Anti-atheist discrimination renders atheists as second-class citizens.


Side Score: 5

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 5

I'll try to sum up the article with humor.

It appears that atheists are disliked for reasons other than down voting TheWayItIs ;)

The reasons for disliking atheists do NOT seem valid.

Maybe we can get them parking spaces right next to the handicap ;)

Give an atheist a break.

Side: True

So what happened to right of free opinion? Or is it just alright when we still believe in god but after that we can beat up blacks and say sorry later or something?

Side: True
1 point

As an Atheist, I'm not too worried about this. I like being the controversial guy, anyway. And really, the best part is that so many people disagree with me (religion or politics) but they're never able to actually stump me in any arguments since I use logic and reasoning (and, i guess, great argumentative skills). I've never lost any friends due to my controversial nature, so I know that I'm doing something right (usually because I never really start anything unless someone else brings it up).

I don't wish to be a politician and, in fact, my hopeful future consists of me pissing people off with my absurd, but rational logic.

So go ahead and hate us Atheists. I'm happy with having the ability to make people constantly challenge me with the same flawed logic, resulting with me making them feel kind of stupid (but in person, I do it in a passive and comedic way, causing less tension to build up).

Side: True

Hate isn't quite the right word, it's more like the relationship one has with a mother-in-law.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

I'm a conservative and agnostic (borderline Atheist). The two don't usually go hand in hand but I must say... I've always respected the religious views of my fellow conservative friends and they have respected me. Having said that, I have seen some Atheists on this site be very arrogant and disrespectful of those who believe... so I can see why some people get a negative opinion of Atheists.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

Hating somebody (anybody) for what they think or feel renders any so-called patriot a hypocrite.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point


Side: Wait..., What? No!