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True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 True (9)
 Wait..., what? No! (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Apparently one Israeli is worth 1,027 Palestinians,7340,L-4134733,00.html

efforts continued to finalize the deal that aims to bring captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit home in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners.


Side Score: 9

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 8

Well....., at least according to the story it's true. But the deal is not final yet so.... give or take a few Palestinians ;)

Side: True

Maybe this has something to do with it

Of the 840 Nobel Prizes ever awarded, some 20 percent have gone to Jews. Israel, with its population of 7.5 million, has won the same number of Nobels as India, which was founded a year before Israel and has a population of 1.15 billion.


Side: True
garry77777(1796) Disputed
1 point

"Israel, with its population of 7.5 million, has won the same number of Nobels as India"

The state of Isreal has never and will never represent all Jews, the Jews that formed Isreal did not represent the vast majority of Jews at the time, and they don't now. This is another tool used by the propagandists to convince people that Isreal = Judaism, therefore is you dislike Isreal or its hanus actions in anyway your an anti-semite (e.g. Jimmy Carter), and most likely a holocaust denier as well.

Side: Wait..., What? No!

So which one are you? An anti-Semite, a holocaust denier or both ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!

I don't know what to say. I tried to read the article, but I was too distracted by the add in a foreign language that showed a schoolgirl's stomach. Then I was too ashamed of myself to stay on the page once I realized I was distracted by such a thing.

New debate: Should chatturgha hang himself or jump off a cliff? :D

Side: True
1 point

Better than killing 49 to save a bunny, I guess.

Side: True
1 point


Side: True
1 point

All men are equal in the eyes of God, for each man has only one soul. This does show how highly Israel values its people in allowing this many terrorists to go free in exchange for one Jewish hostage. it reflects well upon Israel.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
garry77777(1796) Disputed
1 point

No it really doesn't, you see the reason Isreal have so many Palestian's (not terrorists) is because the extremist state of Isreal routinely captures Palestians and imprisions them without trial or any reason for being capture, its called interment and the British did it the catholic population of Northern Ireland in the 70s,and 80s until it was outlawed.

Thats why the Isreal have so many Palestians in prison, no other reason.

Now i admit that many being held in prison without trial have done somehting wrong, but in most cases its no more than trying to defend his home from being stolen out from under him, or throwing stones at armoured vehicles as they bull doze through his village.

Side: True
1 point

no man is higher than the other! we all are the same! you cannot say that 2 men are worth 1 man of whatever...or so what you say...maybe to you they are worth that but in reality everyone is equal ans no matter what you think about that the reality of everyone is equal will never change ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

we breath the same air and we drink the same water we both were born on earth and we both will die on earth! what is the difference? we are human! are we not?! we both eat nd drink there is no doubt in that! dont take palestinians for Israeli is worth one palestinian...;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!