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 Are super size people humorless slobs? (17)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Are super size people humorless slobs?

In Target, my youngest daughter noticed a super size woman wearing a T-shirt with the "GUESS" logo across the back and pointed her out to my oldest daughter. My oldest said to my youngest, "I don't know, 250 - 300 pounds..." which the lady just happened to hear. So the lady starts yelling at my kids. When I approached them and asked what the problem was, the lady turns towards me and I noticed that she has a slice of pizza in one hand, a Diet Coke in the other and both products had stained the front of her T-shirt. She proceeds to explain what had happened and I sternly told my children that we were heading home and I told the lady that I would reprimand them. Once in the car, we laughed all the way home.

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So, after reading the debate description, what do you think? BTW, the picture of me is not recent and I'm overweight so I think I can ask this question. Kinda like when black people use the "N" word with each other. Also, some of my B.F.s are S.S. Peeps.

Finally, did you notice that the word, "kinda" passes the spelling check? What's happening to the English language? !

Side: this never happened
4 points

haha wow joe. i'm amazed your kids played the guessing game in earshot of the woman.

Side: this never happened

Tonicole, this whole debate is a joke. It never happened.

Side: this never happened
4 points

AHAH. i was going to say...

Side: this never happened
2 points

Hahahahaha! That is freaking amazing! I think that, in my experience, a lot of SS Peoples are bipolar. Like when they have just eaten they are fine or when you are about to eat, but like when they haven't eaten in a while they are just plain mean. )': and like idk. when i see most SS People and you crack any kind of joke it is hard for them to laugh because of the weight that presses against their lungs. xD (i can say this because before joining sports i was a MAJOR SS Person) and especially when it comes to their weight. but some people are quite alright with weight jokes as long as they aren't excessive. and as for what your daughter said, that was GENIUS! totally something i can see myself or some of my friends (Abcian1) doing when we are together. [;

Side: ROFL
2 points

yes, we make fun of all people for their problems, at least being fat is something that they can help.

but i'm souless, i make fun of the retarded.

Side: ROFL
kirstie1126(480) Disputed
2 points

While most obese people can help it, there are a population of them that cannot, for example, those with Prader-Willis. And do we really make fun of all people for their problems? Do we make fun of alcoholics and people with cancer?

Side: ROFL

OK, tell us a retarded joke.

Side: this never happened
1 point

i think that if you are fat, you can do something about it and you shouldn't get offended by fat jokes because its not like you believe in being fat. its universally accepted that being overweight isn't healthy and you shouldn't want people feeling pity towards you because you are killing yourself with a disease that is EASILY treated.

Side: ROFL
1 point

Maybe the "supersized" lady was just overly sensitive. Who knows? But in an event, she deserves respect.

Laughing about her in the car with your kids wasn't very nice. That just teaches your kids that disrespect is okay and acceptable. Not all "super sized " people are humorless slobs. So, don't tag everyone because of one person.

Side: this never happened
altarion(1955) Disputed
2 points

how come the first time you use the word "supersized" you have it as one word, but the second time you use the word "super sized" you make it two words?

Side: ROFL

This whole debate is a joke. It never happened.

Side: this never happened
1 point

NO! they are fun to make fun of :] just a joke!

Some people cannot help their weight. MOST can, that is why for the most part I feel no sympathy towards fat people.

Side: this never happened