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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yeah, that's right Wait..., What?!?!
Debate Score:110
Total Votes:131
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 Yeah, that's right (42)
 Wait..., What?!?! (46)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

As it turns out, the government already has nationalized health care (no need 4 a new 1)

If you do not have a job or

If you just can't afford health care or

If you just want the government to pay for your health care

All you have to do is...

Join the military.  Not only will you get free health care (paid by the government) but you will also get a job, a chance to travel to exotic places, meet interesting people and get a chance to put that government paid for health care to good use ;)

Yeah, that's right

Side Score: 46

Wait..., What?!?!

Side Score: 64

Those are not the only benefits. There are others. For example, hard working Americans wont look down at you for leeching of their tax dollars ;)

Side: Yeah, that's right
shaneyam99(112) Disputed
2 points

why are you arguing for both sides of this debate anyway why would anyone listen to the words of a person who doesn't even know what side they are on

Side: Wait..., What?!?!

All of my arguments are for this side. My support is for the people on the other side, not their arguments. Read them and you'll see.

Side: Yeah, that's right
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
2 points

And what of those who do not agree with the military?

(I'd almost rather not get into the "leeching" comment, I'm trying to do so in a different debate.)

Side: Wait..., What?!?!

You know, you may have a point there. I'm allergic to work. So, instead of paying for my health care to take care of my allergies, the tax payers should just pay me directly and bypass the middle man ;)

Side: Yeah, that's right

ObamaCare at Any Cost

Democrat's bill isn't really about "lowering costs." It's about putting Washington in charge of health insurance, at any cost.

Side: Yeah, that's right
1 point

if everyone one who was jobless, with out healthcare, and UNABLE to serve in the military, then what the hell are they contributing. but if you can serve and u do u get a job, and healthcare and are a functioning member of society. so if there is someone out there with out a job, or healthcare and they want some one else to take care of them, well tough shit, go out and do something.

Side: Yeah, that's right

Joining the military is nationalized health care. Yeah, you do kill two birds with one stone, health care and a job.

Side: Yeah, that's right

What if you can't join the military for, let's say, health reasons? Then what?

Or what if the issue isn't that you don't have a job, but that you don't make enough money from your current job to afford healthcare for your whole family.

Or what if you have a kid who is uninsurable because of preexisting conditions.

But yeah other than those minor flaws, I guess the system is perfect.

Side: Wait..., What?!?!
0 points

This mentality is the reason The United States is 37thin the world for health care. Considering you are one of the richest and most prosperous, that is pathetic. I reside in Canada and I never even knew growing up that doctors got paid. Our health care is unconditional.

This brainwashed junk about how universal health care will lead to socialism, is just a way to justify people living in the only industrialized nation without health care.

Side: Wait..., What?!?!
0 points

as i have personally noticed that when you get old lets say 50 you need more health coverage but you know what you cant join the military!!! and i for one don't want a grandpa out fighting a war that a twenty year old can.

Side: Wait..., What?!?!

There are other government jobs he may qualify for.

But aside from that, my retirement plan involves getting thrown in jail. They get 3 full meals a day, a bed, TV (in the rec room), and full health coverage. ;)

Side: Yeah, that's right
kamranw(232) Disputed
0 points

What about those that do not qualify for any of those jobs? Do they just not get treatment? This is your idea of justice?

Side: Wait..., What?!?!