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It's all good It's all bad
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 It's all good (8)
 It's all bad (8)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Bush tortured terrorists. Obama killed a few terrorists.

Bush was responsible for kidnapping and water boarding terrorists in a country that is not our ally.

Obama is responsible for killing a few terrorists in a country that is our ally.  And for all we know, those terrorists could have been guests of the Pakistani government.

Now..., I've been looking at the names of the places over there in Pakistan.  Places like Jalalabad, Abbottabad, and Islamabad.  And if you just focus on those three places, it appears that Jalalabad is Abbottabad as Islamabad.  In other words, it's all bad.

But watching the people rejoicing over here in the U.S., it appears that it's all good.

So which one is it?

It's all good

Side Score: 12

It's all bad

Side Score: 9

A U.S. president can pretty much do whatever he wants. Gary77777 should avoid pissing one of them off ;)

Side: It's all good

Ya i should aviod pissing off big brother, have fun living in your future police state.

Side: It's all good
2 points

It works for me! Whatever it takes to get the job done !

Side: It's all good
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"Whatever it takes to get the job done"

YA Whatever it takes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you have any compassion? Id expect no less from you Hellno, id expect no less.

Side: It's all bad
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Go to hell Gary !

Side: It's all good
2 points

As far as I am concerned we shouldve used lemon juice to water board these dangerous brutal murderers, like it or not much intelligence for Bin Ladens capture came from Guantanamo Bay,speaks volumes dont you think.

Side: It's all good
1 point

As far as I am concerned we shouldve used lemon juice to water board these dangerous brutal murderers, like it or not much intelligence for Bin Ladens capture came from Guantanamo Bay,speaks volumes dont you think.

On an unrelated note, I'm now going to get a glass of lemonade!

Side: It's all good
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

Ya thats it torture the fuckers, hey maybe their children know there whereabouts to lets slice there fucking lips off, lets find all there families and briong them into the intergoation room and use them as leverage, by cutting body parts off if you dont get the info. you need.

"Bay,speaks volumes dont you think."

Ya it does, it speaks volumes about the kind of person that you are.

Side: It's all bad
2 points

Look up on how many times people have said that Osama has been killed. Interesting

On a totally new note I switched on to the news channel yesterday to look on how the elections and polls are being prepared for and.... I thought it sai Obama killed. Osama or Obama? To make it more real Hilary Clinton was talking to the people. So I was like OMG. Then after I was like lol.

Side: It's all bad
1 point

I think it is all bad for several reasons, but the main one being this: why should they get to go so hastily? Bin Laden ought to rot in some cellar where he is beaten each day - he actually hid behind his wife when they tried to shoot at him. Effing coward. He has the nerve to end all those lives yet hides behind a woman when it comes to his turn. He qualifies for a long, slow agonizing death - not a fleeting shot through his heart. Why are these slimeballs even permitted to waste a bullet when they could recieve a suitable punishment for the awful things they have done? America has it all wrong.

Side: It's all bad
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

America has it all wrong.

I take issue with that... "America", as if in air quotes, suggests that things went down in an "American" way... not true. There is no precedent for this situation. "America" doesn't have it wrong, the Obama administration does... that's not the same thing.

Side: It's all good
Billie(790) Disputed
1 point

When I think of America I think of what makes America - its people, its laws, its president etc. From what you have just said, I gather that you regard America in a completely different light. What do you think of when you think of America if it is not the Obama administration, its laws etc?

P.S. I am sorry if I offended you - that was not the intention, I just read about things going on in America and all I can think is that they have everything back to front. I am sure you could say very similar things about my location also though lol!

Side: It's all bad