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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

I do, I really do. Nah, screw 'em.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 I do, I really do. (1)
 Nah, screw 'em. (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Do you always feel compelled to explain yourself to others?

Why this need to be understood?

I do, I really do.

Side Score: 1

Nah, screw 'em.

Side Score: 4
1 point

When arguing I feel owe them that much, only if they feel likewise though.

Side: I do, I really do.

I used to be firmly on that <-- side but I'm learning how to stay on this side ;)

Side: Nah, screw 'em.
1 point


I let them think I'm wrong but deep inside, I'm a genius beyond their comprehension.

Side: Nah, screw 'em.
1 point

Only if it's important or there could be a possible misunderstanding regarding my actions that might lead to a real consequence. For everything else, Idgaf.

Side: Nah, screw 'em.
1 point

Nope,we are born as independententities who owe no body any explanation.

Side: Nah, screw 'em.