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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Why, yes..., yes I do... Say whaaaat?
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Why, yes..., yes I do... (9)
 Say whaaaat? (8)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Do you, or anyone you know, suffer from Ghetto Booty?

Why, yes..., yes I do...

Side Score: 9

Say whaaaat?

Side Score: 8

My friend Cartman suffers from Ghetto Booty. ;)

Side: Why, yes..., yes I do...
1 point


Side: Why, yes..., yes I do...
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Hey, screw you hippie. I am not fat, I am big boned.

Side: Say whaaaat?
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

That's what they all say ;)

So..., when/where did you get boned and why did that make you develop Ghetto Booty ;)

Side: Why, yes..., yes I do...
1 point

Living in Caribbean black country, I see ghetto booty all the time. Guys and girls.

Side: Why, yes..., yes I do...
1 point

I'm a white male and I have one big booteey!

Side: Why, yes..., yes I do...
1 point

No, my ass is skinny. No junk in my trunk. BUTT I do like big butts... I cannot lie...

Side: Say whaaaat?

This Booty or that Booty

Side: Say whaaaat?

That's some hellacious booty ;)

Side: Say whaaaat?

I dispute the term 'suffer.' I'm quite familiar with 'ghetto booty' but suffer? Hells no, I love it!

Side: Say whaaaat?