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Debate Score:39
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joecavalry(40163) pic

Does prepare for you married life?

Basic Training for Marriage

Maybe CD should promote itself as a site that prepares you for married life. If you don't succeed here, you'll fail there. CD will prepare you so that in a battle of wits, you wont be unarmed.

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5 points

As a side observer of my parents realationship and of relationships between me and my ex girlfriends, i think that CD doesn't even come close to preparing you for a marital life because here you get a say in what you are debating, but when you are married, your wife is always right, no matter what! and i know it doesn't seem fair, but that's how it is. so i think that CD is more of a sanctuary for the married man because here he gets a vote, whereas in his married life he is always wrong, even when he's right. and for those of you that are married or observe your parents or married couples around you, you know what i'm talking about.

Side: Not Really
5 points

As my uncle loves to say, "Keep women happy or you'll be miserable forever."

Side: keep women happy
5 points

The difference between CreateDebate and relationships is that you can argue your point and either end up right or wrong depending on the strength of your argument. In a relationship, if you're a guy, you're always wrong... regardless of how right you actually are.

Side: you're always wrong

I think most men need this service.

Side: you're always wrong
2 points

I think that most men need this service, not only to deal with always being wrong to our lovers, but to deal with our relationships with our mothers. Dx

Side: you're always wrong
4 points

Wow. The sexism here is surprising. I am sorry that you all have witnessed such bad relationships. In my marriage, I am not always right, and "woman" enough to admit it. Maybe the sexist attitudes that you all have is why you have bad relationships and the women get mad at you to begin with.

Side: Not Really
xaeon(1095) Disputed
3 points

I haven't witnessed a bad relationship. I'm in a fantastic relationship in which my girlfriend is always right. :-)

Side: Not Really

Hi Kirstie.

Have you ever let your man win one? I don't mean like out of pity but really concede that he was right? And if so, did you let him know or did you keep it all on the inside? And finally, I suspect that the reason women fight so hard regardless of whether they are right or wrong is because the make up sex is going to be fast and furious. Am I right?

Side: just curious
altarion(1955) Disputed
2 points

Hahaha! Wow. That seems somewhat funny because it seems something that could possibly be true. But I think that the reason, in a lot of relationships, that the woman is always right is because she wants power over you and she knows that if you truly love her you will concede to her whim and its their way of "testing" to see if you love them or not and how far they can go before they have "crossed the line" so to say, and as guys, we let them walk all over us because in our heads we imagine them as the greatest things that have ever happened to us and we would do anything to keep them with us. (Wow that was a LOT of "and"'s) And then the make up sex will be fast and furious. [;

Side: Not Really
3 points

i dont believe that a website can ever prepare anyone for your married life. married life is something that is between two people not a website...


Side: Not Really

Who was that masked man?

Side: Not Really