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pump out the crap raise the ceilings
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:37
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 pump out the crap (4)
 raise the ceilings (18)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

For those of you who want to raise the debt ceiling, let me put it into perspective 4 u


Let's say you come home from work one night

only to find out that there has been a sewer backup

and you have sewage up to your ceilings.

Do you:

  1. raise your ceilings, or 
  2. pump out the crap?

pump out the crap

Side Score: 6

raise the ceilings

Side Score: 31
2 points

1. I would sue the plumbing that screwed me out of 1000+$ when they did approximately nothing to fix my sewage system during every session I paid them to come to my house, and then...

2. After raping them of all the money they stole from me, I'd pay a different, more reliable, smaller plumbing company and pump out the raw sewage and then outright replace my plumping with brand new, SUPER-plumbing.


See what I did there?

I'm not so much of an idiot as to agree with everything Obama does.

Such as the fact that he neglects to declare war on and have the National Guard invade all of this country's colossal companies and end their dictatorial/oligarchical, corporate fascism that caused this whole mess.

Side: pump out the crap

pump the crap! We could start by cutting the salary of elected officials.

Side: pump out the crap

I don't know about you but...., I wouldn't take political advice from the people on that side ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------->

Side: pump out the crap
1 point

Now you wouldn't be able to take your own advice... ;)

Thanks for being one of the few people on this site willing to change their position.

Side: raise the ceilings

Oh, I never change positions. My position is always the same. I just don't bother with "support" and "dispute" and tags and sides/columns. I just speak my mind, let people figure out what side I'm really on and end it all with a sarcastic smile ;)

Side: raise the ceilings

So..., I maxed out my credit card today... I called the credit card company and told them to raise my debt ceiling. They were not amused ;)

Side: pump out the crap
2 points

I made up a number in my head that was less than the credit card companies would lend me - amazingly, they agreed to lend me more than my made up number....

Side: raise the ceilings

I went a little further than you..., I made the whole thing up ;)

Side: raise the ceilings

Let me put it in perspective for you:

Let's say you and your wife have agreed not to go into debt over a certain amount, even though friends and banks, etc. believe you to be creditworthy and would lend you more money if you ask.

Let's say you buy a house, a car, life and health insurance, your daughter's tuition, pay for your disabled mother's care, have recently hired personal security guards for some perceived threats, etc. etc. etc..

Your income has been declining and costs have been going up and you start approaching that number and your wife says, hey, if we have to go over that number until we get things under control (like we have more than 100 times), then we can as long as we agree to figure out a long term plan.

Do you stop paying the people you already owe money to, diminishing your credit and increasing how much you have to pay for future borrowing? Or, agree to pay for the things you already owe, and try to figure out a better plan for the future?

Side: raise the ceilings

I would get rid of the security guard, sell the house and car and get a smaller house and a used car, get rid of the life insurance and reduce my health insurance.

In other words, I would try to live within my means..., but that's just me ;)

Side: raise the ceilings

Exactly - you modify your future cost. You don't default.

Side: raise the ceilings

Since you say you haven't changed your position, I feel it necessary to press a little further.

"I would try to live within my means..." is the right way to go for the future, but if you are already at the point where you can't make all of next month's payments without going over the budget that you set for yourself - do you exceed your made up borrowing limit (not the borrowing limit set by the market) and pay your bills?

An arbitrary pretend limit is unnecessary and only leads to either meaningless votes to increase the limit or political brinksmanship. The time to decide if it is within your budget is when you make the purchase (analagous to Congress passing a budget or making an appropriation). And when you lose revenue (tax cuts, etc.), you should decide what changes need to be made.

Side: raise the ceilings
2 points

Raising the debt ceiling is not the real point. It was even raised 18 times during Reagan's presidency, 7 times under Bush's presidency, and was raised a total of 74 times since 1962. Clearly, NOTHING detrimental will occur upon raising it one more time.

What we need to do is increase revenue and cut spending. The debt-ceiling "crisis" was a straw-man argument (don't know what that is, look it up) created by the GoP in order to fear-monger, make Obama look bad, and hide the fact that the GoP has NO plan for increasing jobs and revenue.

Side: raise the ceilings

Clearly, NOTHING detrimental will occur upon raising it one more time.

That statement is not entirely true. If we go in debt to the tune of X% of our GDP, then it will start to become detrimental. The argument now is what value to assign to X. ;)

Side: raise the ceilings

Shouldn't the X be determined by the "invisible hand of the free market" and not an arbitrary round number set by when Congress wants to have the fight again? ;)

Side: raise the ceilings