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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:15
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 True. (5)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (5)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

For those who want a serious debate - the economy was better with Trump than wit

The following data is obtained from here:

It shows the economic growth during:

the Obama years
the Trump years

Here's a quick visual recap:

The unemployment rate for the years 2008 through 2020:



Side Score: 6

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 7

The economy should falter given the Corona Virus. But that's now the Democrat's problem ;)

Side: True.
3 points

For those who want a serious debate?? You can't be serious!! The only thing better was that he ".... just made you all a lot richer" when talking to his Mara-Lago friends and donators. The Stock Market was the ONLY thing that improved. Wages barely rose enough to cover the inflation HE caused. Trillions$ were added to the debt and billionaires MADE Trillions (billions each) because he shut down the watchdogs that were supposed to "follow the money"! It didn't get to where it was supposed to go, it subtly made its way into the "big boys accounts"!

Millions are on food lines that never were before, Corporate farmers got billions in corporate socialism when it was WE, the people, who NEEDED IT! The teachers, first responders, hospitals and the family farms! It's up in the air about how much his golf hobby has cost U.S.! Somewhere well over $130,000,000! (While HE made money off them [and us]).

Obama created MORE jobs, by FAR than he did .... and they lasted longer! He saved the auto industry, when Trump wanted it to fold! Can you imagine what our budget would look like if we ALL had to buy foreign cars?? Trump was a fraud, still is! C'MON NEW YORK! Imprison this phony!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
urwutuis2(13) Clarified
3 points

The market only improved because the Fed dumped about 7 trillion into buying stock. It had nothing to do with Trump no matter how much credit he wants to take.

Side: True.

Here's the actual data for unemployment:

Supporting Evidence: (
Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

Here's the actual data for unemployment:

Joe, shut up. Every single time the Republicans take over the economy goes into recession.

The U.S. is officially experiencing an economic recession, according to a Monday statement from private non-profit research organization National Bureau of Economic Research.

Over the past three months, more than 45 million people have filed initial unemployment claims as businesses have closed their doors and consumers have gone into lockdown. economy-latest

“This is almost certainly the deepest recession” since World War II, Jan Hatzius, chief economist at Goldman Sachs, wrote in a note Monday.

Side: True.

Here's he actual data for inflation:

Supporting Evidence: (
Side: Wait..., what? No!!!