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Butters has a point!!! Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Butters has a point!!! (13)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Have we been using the toilet wrong all along?

Butters has a point!!!

Side Score: 13

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 0

I could use the shelf for a beer, or even to lay my head down and take a nap. I bet that when the "bomb" drops, it won't splash nearly as much. I don't care what you guys think, I'm switching ;)

Side: Butters has a point!!!

Turns out my legs are too long so my knees hit the wall and my butt was hanging off the toilet. I tried doing the splits but turns out, only girls can pull that off. So I'm back to the old fashioned way ;)

Side: Butters has a point!!!
westernslave(695) Clarified
1 point

trying taking a shit in europe...their toliets are messed up over least in amsterdam. the hole is in the front of the bowl, and you shit onto a shelf that barely has any water on it. if you dont flush immediately after the "bomb" the room will instantly start to stink.

Side: Butters has a point!!!
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

I know the bowl you are referring to. That design was a collaboration between liberals and environmentalists ;)

Side: Butters has a point!!!
1 point

I will give it a try .

Side: Butters has a point!!!

Report back to us with your findings ;)

Side: Butters has a point!!!
1 point

Bad idea, because sitting backwards causes that the poo lands on the front of the toilet bowl where it is not much steep (dangerously close to my balls). Also water stream over there is Not strong enough to carry the poo to the pipe... so at the and I have had to help it a bit...

I cannot recommend.

Side: Butters has a point!!!
1 point

He does have a point guise.

Side: Butters has a point!!!
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