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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Hey, check it out. I'm being called out! Let's get ready to rumble! (13)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Hey, check it out. I'm being called out! Let's get ready to rumble!

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It's the cyber battle of the century! Here..., on CD! I've never done this before.... I hope I don't get hurt.... I'm not armed ;)

It's not a battle .

That link should be rated :( Count me scarred as hell. When I need therapy...

Was that you on two different accounts talking to yourself. .

Well...., if I had multiple personalities, and they had a conversation, would that count as me talking to myself? ;)

Yes it would, it would just mean that you were nuts as well.