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Could happen. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Could happen. (2)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (1)

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jolie(9810) pic

Horses are the direct descendents of unicorns.

Unicorns where hunted for their horn so evolution selected hornless unicorns.  Q.E.D.

Could happen.

Side Score: 2

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 1
1 point

That makes sense. Likewise the ones who crapped in rainbow colors got tracked and cut down by predators so now we only have the ones that crap in the brown/black color palette.

Side: Could happen.
1 point

It is possible. They are very similar and people must have got the idea of unicorns from somewhere. Unicorns are not, really, very special for a 'majestic magical creature'. Its just really a horse with a horn. Not much different to a rhinoceros. So the idea does not seem totally ludicrous to me, though I don't have any facts about any of this as I'm sure others may.

Side: Could happen.
1 point

While horses are decidedly NOT the descendants of Unicorns, and the fossil record also is bereft of any evidence of that species, we have seen real-life examples of animals with only a single horn.

Thereby, they technically meet the criteria for "Uni-corn."

Granted, most of these animals are simply genetic aberrations--mutations--from an established species that usually sports two horns, or none at all. But still, they are, given there displayed physical trait, Unicorns.

Check out this link to see some of them!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!