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Debate Info

Cute Pup Ugly Mutt
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 Cute Pup (19)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

How do you like our new pup?

Cute Pup

Side Score: 21

Ugly Mutt

Side Score: 0

Cute Pup. Makes me want to get a dog instead of boring pet rocks. But my pet rock is working out nice. Less maintenance. TOUGH Decision

Side: Cute Pup

I've got this delightful pet stone. Do you think my pet stone and your pet rock would like each other?

Side: Cute Pup

I sure that my pet rock and your pet stone would be buddies for life.

Side: Cute Pup
2 points

Cute. It will grow to be the sort of horrific beast that sends me running every time. My phobia of large dogs manages to stay on hold until they're as tall as my hip.

Side: Cute Pup

I used to have a 135 lbs. Alaskan Malamute. He was the sweetest dog.

Side: Cute Pup

I'm sure he was. I'm sure he was also HEAVIER THAN I AM. There are reasons for that phobia...

Side: Cute Pup

Cute pup, but will it learn anything from Joe? It is a good thing Joe is married (I think I remember him saying that some place). There maybe hope for him, the dog not Joe.

Side: Cute Pup

So last night we were walking the dog around the neighborhood where they are building new homes. One of the garage doors was open and he could see our shadow on the far wall. He starts to bark at it and my wife starts making scary poses with her shadow. I'm like, don't worry Nalu, that's just your mom messing with you. ;)

There's a reason my wife and are together. We think the same way. We love messing wth living creatures. Which is why I come to CD ;)

Side: Cute Pup
1 point

I have a Boston Terrier! great breed, very loyal, but yours is nice too!

Side: Cute Pup

On youtube, you claim to be 24. How do you remember all of your ages?

Nice dog, big family.

Regarding online debating - I think it is the wave of the future, but I really prefer the typing method.

Side: Cute Pup
1 point

What's the name ?

Side: Cute Pup

His name is Nalu but it doesn't matter because he doesn't come when you call him. I just say, "You know, I got you at the pound and I can go back and get another one that looks just like you. OK, Bye!" and walk away and then he comes running after me ;)

Side: Cute Pup
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