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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 True (3)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (3)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

How to end poverty within one generation

If poor families stopped having babies then, by definition, the children would be born to rich families (right place, right time) and after a generation we would have beaten poverty. It's a win-win situation.  Or we could just let them die off ;)


Liberals are always telling people what to do like:  Wear your seat belt, don't smoke, tax alcohol, etc. because "It's good for the environment, the children, you, etc."  Well..., why don't they say, "If you're poor, you can't have children.  It's good for all of us."  The Chinese didn't go quite that far.  They said, "You can only have one child."  But we are better than the chinese and I think we can go the extra mile ;)


Currently the liberal plan is to tax the rich and give it to the poor.  But that does no one any good because the poor become dependent on the rich and never learn to fend for themselves, the rich feel ripped off working hard so that the lazy poor can make-ends-meet, and the country doesn't get wealthier because all you are doing is redistributing wealth.


With my plan, the poor have more money because they don't have kids to take care of, the rich get to keep their money, and the country becomes wealthier because there won't be any poverty left after one generation.  Is that really such a high price to pay for all of these benefits the plan provides?


Finally, the liberals would be the perfect people to implement this plan because they already have abortion in place.  It's just a matter of being smart about who to abort ;)


Side Score: 4

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 3
2 points

Who can argue that if you can't afford to have kids, you probably shouldn't have them.

Side: True

Another added benefit of keeping the poor from reproducing is that, since they won't have kids to clothe and feed, they'll have more money for beer. And the poor love their beer ;)

Side: True
1 point

I could not agree with your statement more. There was a really bad movie that had a really great scene which depicted our problem the movie was called Idiocracy. Check out the scene with the football player and the rich people. I cannot understand why people who have little to no money keep on popping kids out. Then fail to properly provide and allow the cycle to continue.

Were on vacation recently to Belize where you have to pay for school from elementary all the way through. The people have little to no money yet our tour guide was proud of his 7 kids. Yet he admitted that he could not afford to put most of them through school. WTH?

Side: True
1 point

You're too late. Jonathan Swift came up with an almost identical proposition back in 1729:

Except that he did you one better in proposing that the children of the poor could actually be used as a food source. My favorite line is where he claims that an American friend of his says that they can be quite delicious. :)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

They are really quite tender ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

first, of all people have to understand that it is not only the duty of the government to eradicate poverty but of citizens themselves.well in the world there are so many corruptions of million dollars and if these corrupted money distributed among the paupers ,they will have good amount of money to run their their own business.

well, we have to take inspiration from bill gates who in spite of having so much money is caring for the poor, leaving a portion of his wealth to their wards and distributing a larger portion among poors.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!