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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:22
Total Votes:24
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 How weird is this? (17)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

How weird is this?

Did you know that the words "race car" spelled backward says "race car".

That "eat" is the only word that if you take the 1st letter and move it to the last, it spells it's past tense - "ate".

And have you noticed that if you rearrange the letters in "illegal immigrants", and add just a few more letters, it spells out: "Go home you free-loading, benefit-grabbing, kid-producing, violent, non-English speaking idiots and take those other towel-headed, hairy-faced, sandal-wearing, bomb-making, goat-loving, idiots with you.

How weird is that?

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Well...., I don't know about you but I found that to be extremely weird. ;)

Side: Very
2 points

Kinda funny. Preeeeteeee wierd. Just a few letters, huh???????????

Side: Very
1 point

Im not sure

all i know is that you are weird :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Side: Very

Well...., that goes without saying. Everyone knows that. Tell me something new ;)

Side: Very
1 point

HAHAHAHAHA. racecar............................................................. =)

Side: Very
1 point

What are you trying to prove? That you are more arrogant, more afraid, more ignoant than a right-thinking individual?

Please, I beg of you. Hinder your babble. It appears you plan on boasting your opinions as opposed to using this wonderful platform to build your understanding of unknown vistas of cognition.

Side: Very

This was meant to be funny. It was not meant to be a serious debate.

Side: Very
1 point

How wierd is this?, I feel like your kissing my arse!......................................;)

Side: Very
1 point

well...that sure is a few more words. pretty wierd and funny.

Side: Very

Joe, I wasn't here 100 days ago, or whenever you made this. Maybe it was good I wasn't here back in your stranger days.

Side: Very

I guess I needed a few more points in order to get first place in Most Provocative ;)

Side: Very
1 point

I am a Immigrant. I am legal though but that's just horrible not funny at all.

Side: Scared or arrogant
0 points

yes, i agree, very funny, however ive already seen it. my sis emailed it to me last month. BUT it really aint no debate,its as good as me posting a debate saying- (How weird is this?-joecalvary just added another stupid debate to score 5 more browny-points.)wooooh weird?NOT.but true?YES.

Side: Scared or arrogant

Well...., there is a reason why I have 8871 points and you have 27, but that's beside the point. This was not meant to be a serious debate. It was meant to be a light hearted attempt at humor in order to bring people's blood pressure down after all of those other serious debates. Apparently this debate did not succeed at bringing down your blood pressure ;)

Side: Scared or arrogant
dacey(1040) Disputed
1 point

well................, there is a reason you have 8872 points and myself just 26.... i have just upvoted you and taken one from myself just to show how little i care bout points and to respect your desperate quest for them.but thats besides the point. as for light for bringing the blood pressure down.....ha joe you?seriously...pull the other one...plays jingle bells. personally i think it hilarious, however, it is something, that could trigger another racial dispute among debaters,like i said just an instigator of stirring shit. your meant to stir the pot ,not the potty, joe. ....joe...joe..oh here have another point

Side: Scared or arrogant