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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Cool! Bore me.
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Cool! (6)
 Bore me. (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

I wrote a sudoku program in case anyone is interested

All you have to do is go to

loging as downvote

the password is createdebate

you will see the e-mail with the 2 files there. The subject line is sudoku.

If you can figure out how it works without any help from me, then I have done my job well. It is supposed to be intuitive. But I think like an engineer so.... ;)


BTW, it only works on windows.


Side Score: 12

Bore me.

Side Score: 4

You can get more sudoku puzzles here:

You'll have to type them in or, you can use a text editor to open, create, edit and make SDK files.

Side: Cool!
Friend(19) Disputed
1 point

Sudokus are for geeks. YUM YUM YUM

Side: Bore me.

I am a geek. So what's your point ?

Side: Bore me.

There's also a clock program I wrote in there. Just look for an e-mail with the subject line, clock App.

Side: Cool!
2 points

Thanks! I enjoy sudoku but unfortunately, my OS is Mac OS-X.

Side: Cool!

Well..., I've been kicking around the idea of doing it on JAVA. But I have to figure out the graphics first.

Side: Cool!
2 points

swing elements aren't that hard to learn. There are a lot of good resources on the net as well and if you know how to program then the only part you need to learn is basically the libraries and how it handles events(maybe concurrent programing/threading as well). I actually have a final project that is due soon(Monday at 5). If you want after I'm done I can share the source if you want some examples. I'm sure its not incorporating the best coding practices but i got a 96/100 and good comments on what I'm expanding for the final. Its an ascii animation.

Side: Cool!
1 point


Side: Bore me.