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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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He's a busy man He knows he will lose
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 He's a busy man (5)
 He knows he will lose (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

4 points

Neither Gore nor Monckton have any business discussing climate change, as neither are scientists. Also, if someone refuses to accept data, you just CAN'T argue with them.


Comprehensive sex education lowers abortion, unplanned pregnancy, and STI rates, without lowering age of first sexual action. But it "destroys families!"

Evolution is a clearly documented phenomena, and makes perfect sense when looking at other even more clearly documented phenomena. But "God created the world!".

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it reasonable!

Side: He's a busy man
lawnman(1106) Disputed
2 points

The object of the question is Global Warming, not climate change. (Your rebuttal is falacious)

Sex education and Evolution are not related to global warming.

(Red-herring fallacies)

I find it funny that you have 4 up-votes and you didn't even begin an attempt to make a case for your view! If Gore is a busy man why do you fail to prove that point?

CD is going the way of CB. B=BS

Side: not part of the cash for global warming
DJSNuva1(78) Disputed
1 point

Evolution is crap. That is exactly why it is called the THEORY of evolution (Truly only a hypothesis) and not the LAW of evolution. Intellegent Design IS in fact the most credible reason for existence.

Side: He knows he will lose
1 point

We don't live in a culture where debate has any meaning. There are rarely any "debates" when it comes to politics, which is the context of this issue.

Politicians and commentators usually simply hurl their positions at each other repeatedly, their talking points and memorized "facts" without really getting down to negating, refuting, or rebutting. Opponents ignore each other's logic and just repeat what they want to say, over and over and over.

Even if there were a "real" debate, the public doesn't give a crap. Honest debate is not valued, most people who have an interest in politics are interested mostly in "doing battle", defeating the other side. A real debate needs all parties, viewing and participating, to honestly care about the truth, care about hearing the other side out, and be comfortable with being proven wrong in some way, shape, or form.

Gore, then, has no real reason to want to debate the Lord. It would not benefit Gore or his position. It wouldn't hurt it, either. Noone would pay attention, noone would be convinced one way or another. Also, debating someone is a tacit admission of their positions merit....even if it is thought to be wrong.

African Americans don't debate White Supremacists for a reason. Gays don't debate the Westboro Baptist Church for a reason. Scientists don't debate with doctors for a reason.

Also, as stated before, these are politicians who don't really know what they are talking about. Gore shouldn't be the spearhead of the Global Climate Change movement, and the Lord shouldn't be the spearhead of the Climate Change Denier movement.

Anyone who actually cares about the truth, on either side, would be interested in a debate between two competent scientists.

Side: He's a busy man

You say that:

African Americans don't debate White Supremacists for a reason. Gays don't debate the Westboro Baptist Church for a reason. Scientists don't debate with doctors for a reason.

Then..., why does anyone bother to debate me :)

Side: He knows he will lose
1 point

Man, this is why you should stick around. I don't agree with a bunch of stuff you say, but you have the BEST witty commentary.

Also, how do you do bold/italics? I don't want to look like an idiot trying to figure out the necessary punctuation in debates, and you seem to know.

Side: He's a busy man

Al Gore knows that Christopher Monckton is a lord and thus Gore doesn't stand a chance. ;)

Side: He knows he will lose
1 point

Of course he knows he will lose, as his documentation is all doctored to say the least. Anyone who scaremongers the people into believing that the oceans will rise by 21 feet, then proceeds to spend $4 million buying a Condo on the water in San Francisco where it would be under water if his prediction was realized, and someone that refuses point blankly to Debate any issue relating to climate change with notable people like Lord Christopher Monkton and others with the real obtained facts, is an absolute crook just hiding behind his so called glory image. Sorry but he doesn't fool me and thankfully more and more people daily are starting to see this issue of Climate change as nothing more than a revenue raising opportunity and way of establishing the UN's proposed One World Govt who's agenda is to control us all. Wake up please the World Majority, and keep our Freedom before it's too late

Side: He knows he will lose