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 If you had one wish to ask God - what would you wish for? (10)

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jolie(9809) pic

If you had one wish to ask God - what would you wish for?

Atheists need not answer.
God doesn't grant wishes to atheists.
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1 point

A spaceship that can travel faster than the speed of light, so I can get off this planet.

2 points

Enjoy exploding, and I am referring to your body not your ship.

1 point

Yeah, well I blow up real good. If you see the video (for the reference), skip to 2:55.
1 point

I'd wish to meet with Satan senpai... Notice me senpai... ;-;

2 points

I think you have to say, "Watch me whip, watch me nae nae. Watch me, watch me, watch me."
Joel_Mathews(2284) Clarified
1 point

They look a bit too young to be doing this right?...........................

All the money on earth as with money, you can do basically anything

i would ask for a good ol' country boy to take care of me!!!

1 point

What if an Atheists wish is for HIM to prove HIMself existing? That's all I ask for, seeing is believing. I have had to prove myself all through life. If this "GOD" can do that I WILL believe! Show me the love! You show me yours, I'll gladly show you mine! Waiting..........

1 point

How can you differentiate between God and a technologically advanced alien?

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I don't. It's more likely they are one and the same. At LEAST more likely than the "Let there be light!" theory.