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 In a relationship, who makes the rules; the man or the woman? (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

In a relationship, who makes the rules; the man or the woman?


In a lesbian relationship it is definately the woman and in a homosexual relationship it is definately the man who makes the rules but in a hetero relationship it is a bit more complicated than that because the woman has the money maker but the man has the money (usually).

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This post is only so that I can add "the man" as a tag. Guess what the next post is going to be ;)

Side: the man

This post is only so that I can add "the woman" as a tag. I wonder if after God took Adam's rib Adam was like, "Why you do that for?" And God said, "I'm making you a companion." And Adam said, "What shall I call this companion?" And God said, "It's your job to classify everything so you figure it out." And when Adam saw his new companion he said, "Woah!!! I think I'll call you Woah, man!" but over the year it was shorten to woman ;)

Side: the woman

It's a give and take situation where gives and the other takes ;)

and then they switch as to who gives and who takes (especially in a .... no, I'm not going to say it ;).

Side: give and take
1 point

The connection between them makes the rules which will form when there bond gets stronger.

Side: give and take

As far as I'm concerned both people make the 'rules' in any relationship. Both have needs and wants that should be respected by their partner. That's what a relationship's a partnership not a job where you must abide by the rules set forth by your employer. I wouldn't be in any relationship where my partner set down the rules of it. Life is a two way street and sometimes you have to yield the right of way so that things go a bit more smoothly but for the most part, both are traveling in the same direction, albeit at different speeds.

Side: give and take
1 point

I think that in our society it is unusually the male- just because that's the way it is, and we don't think about it. There are societal norms that we usually follow, which usually put the male into a power-position. Why do people ask who them man is in a gay relationship? Because the male is pretty much accepted as the person in charge in a relationship.

Side: the man