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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Hell Yeah! Uh..., no?
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Hell Yeah! (5)
 Uh..., no? (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

I'm against watching a little old lady take off her shoes while some terrorist looking guy waltz right on the plane with chemicals in his pants ;)

Side: Hell Yeah!

Joe I'm surprised, for some reason I didn't think you were that sort of person. What he means is non-white muslims. Muslim is a faith, not a people, so naturally he should be including a small portion of white people in there which people like him and you, never do. When you think muslim or terrorist, you obviously picture rags and such, but put yourself in the "terrorist's" shoes. If you have white people as part of your 'merica hating religion, you'd use them to hijack planes because no one pictures terrorists as white. Even in your example "terrorist looking guy" implies dark because if white people looked like terrorists then everyone would look like one. Since that black dude "attempted to bomb" that plane, do you consider all black people potential terrorists? Just the muslim ones? There's something outrageous like half a billion muslims in the world. Compared to the what...100, 500 terrorists involved in u.s. bombing. Whats that percentage? That's like considering all white people racist nazi douchebags. Except there's a higher percentage of racist white people than "terrorists" muslims. Therefore if would be more logical to assume that you're a racist nazi douchebag than any random muslim is a terrorist.

On to your question. What you mean to say is "racial profiling who's time has come to be enforced by law in the open". You yourself have committed racial profiling in your argument. People are already guilty of racial profiling. They do it to all races all the time. There is nowhere in America that an old white lady would be stopped and a dark dude in a turban and acid eating his balls would be free to walk through. She would need the word "infidels" tatooed on her forehead and he would need to be a foreign diplomat. The degree of racism in the u.s. is beyond reason. To the point that a politician can get away with "all terrorists are muslim" and no one seems to apply the logic I outlined above to it. Guess what, all terrorists are human. All nazis are white. Hitler was white, Ghandi was not. The us military is only marginally not white. Most of them are suspected nazis using the above logic.

Side: Uh..., no?

You do realize that my mission in this site is to get people fired up, right? I mean, that's why I put smileys on my arguments and that's why my avatar is a smiling dog. ;)

Side: Uh..., no?

I suspected :) but since I wasn't positive (that haiti comment while funny, was retardedly evil) I responded as if you were serious. The fact is I attacked the persona you were portraying whether it fits with you or not. I started going through your recent posts, and it seems that you've become quite the shit disturber. Keep it up ;)

Side: Uh..., no?

Joe, not all Muslims are terrorists. Not all darker skinned people are muslims. I've seen a picture of you and, if I didn't know better, would have thought that you were of Arabic descent. You have implied that you are Spanish. Even if you, or anybody else, told me that they were Muslim, I would listen to them and their debates just as I would listen to Deviant's.

Now that that is over with, I recall reading about two Muslims (Imams, I think) parading around an airport, protesting something or other. People were mortified of them and they were kicked out. They told all 'true Muslims' never to use that airline. What will the non-Muslims think? I'd say that they'd be pretty damn happy to know that they can go on a flight and not worry about Muslims.

On the contrary, I would be very glad to sit next to an Arabic speaking Muslim. I have always enjoyed listening to and learning bits and pieces of languages and, the linguist in me, would drive me to speak with him.

If he were raised in the middle east, I would ask him about social conditions there. I'm sure that most of the flight would be thinking 'What's dat dumb white boy doin', talkin' to dat dar terrorist?'

I would do the same thing if the person sitting beside me were from any country in the world: learn about his/her native land. My xenophobia would tell me to ignore them, but the sociologist in me would tell me to go to them.

P.S. I didn't click the link.

Side: Uh..., no?

I never said that all Muslims are terorrists. In fact, if you go through everyone of my arguments and debates, you will notice that I am very careful never to imply that all Muslims are terrorists. But so far, as far as I know, all terrorirsts have been Muslim. That is just a fact. Would you have me put my fingers in my ears, cover my eyes and force myslef to deny that fact? I would be deluding myself.

Side: Hell Yeah!
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Back in '94 when True Lies came out (starring Schwarzenegger 'TERMINATOR') it was considered controversial in that it had Arabs as terrorists. Die Hard, however, was not controversial even though the terrorists were German.

Side: Hell Yeah!
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point


By muslims you mean Irish, Tamil, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Maoist etc?

Side: Hell Yeah!