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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Because YOU'RE the man! We would NEVER do that.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Because YOU'RE the man! (3)
 We would NEVER do that. (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is it OK for feminists to send a man downstairs in the middle of the night when they...

...hear a strange noise


in the middle of the night

where spiders



may be lurking.

Because YOU'RE the man!

Side Score: 4

We would NEVER do that.

Side Score: 1

That's right..., Feminist don't get the irony ;)

Side: Because YOU'RE the man!
1 point

I don't see any reason why feminists get so uptight about little incidents. I understand if there is a clear lack of equal opportunity, but something simple like a gentlemen opening a door for a lady is a norm which, I believe, shouldn't disappear.

Side: Because YOU'RE the man!

Come on..., really?!?! You an I both know know that the reason we do that is to check out their other assets ;)

Side: Because YOU'RE the man!
1 point

It's because they are the weaker sex. They naturally contain the fearful characteristic which causes their reliance on male superiority.

Supporting Evidence: (
Side: We would NEVER do that.