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Perfectly normal wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:44
Total Votes:48
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 Perfectly normal (20)
 wait..., what? No!!! (15)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Perfectly normal

Side Score: 26

wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 18

The bond between mother and child is precious. ;)

Side: Perfectly normal
0 points

It's not unnatural. It's only taboo because society makes it that way. In reality, it's just another body part. There is no reason to shame it.

Side: Perfectly normal
1 point

Mackindale!!!! A voice of reason. How refreshing is that?! Of course, women have served as men's whipping posts for far too long (yes, yes, exceptions exist!). Surviving their abject ignorance is a testament to a woman's strength. No man could survive the treatment they dish out to the distaff side.

Side: Perfectly normal
1 point

Is it normal to eat in public?

Because that's what the baby is doing, and it is illegal to not feed a baby.

So technically, your breaking the law by not feeding your baby if you're in public.

Side: Perfectly normal
Roblovesargu(61) Disputed
1 point

I don't eat my lunch on the bus because its rude. Just try and live by the same standard.

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
Megan3955(7) Disputed
1 point

Your not a baby now are you !?!?!?!?! we are talking about kids who cant feed themselves

Side: Perfectly normal
1 point

Yeah, why the hell not. What's so bad about breastfeeding?

Side: Perfectly normal

Did you see the video? ;)

Side: Perfectly normal

So is peeing and you don't see me doing that in public ;)

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
NeverUTOG(49) Disputed
2 points

Why, jc, I haven't seen you do anything, albeit I'm sure you're good at something--most of all, peeing..........on the most nurturing tasks of life.............the natural feeding of an infant.

Women simply have to do a better job at helping boys develop minds of higher intellect and spirituality. They just seem to become so fixated on members at hip but not hip level. joecavalry, indeed!!

Side: Perfectly normal

I nurtured my kids. Heck..., I even taught them to do a 3-point landing in slowmo ;);=UU3toa0LqoY0aiFwwdajAl7g&index;=9&feature;=plcp

I even taught them how to hang on for dear life on the swing of death ;);=UU3toa0LqoY0aiFwwdajAl7g&index;=8&feature;=plcp

Side: Perfectly normal
1 point

Breast feeding isn't exactly what I want to be seeing when going out. I don't want to see little kids sucking on tits, which is why they should use toilets or a private area.

Maybe there should be some areas delegated for breast feeding as apposed to toilets and in my vision

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
NeverUTOG(49) Disputed
2 points

How utterly sad that you would miss such a sighting as an opportunity to teach your kids the nature of nurturing. If alone, then learn to simply focus on other things--your oogling would just serve to upset the mom.

The ONLY reason I would ever avoid breastfeeding in public would be to protect myself from people with sick minds, as I would venture to guess yours is.

Side: Perfectly normal

I don't have a sick mind..., you can breastfeed in front of me ;)

Side: Perfectly normal

I guess it depends on who's doing the breastfeeding. Like..., if it's Dolly Parton and she's like got 3 or 4 tykes latched on...., I may pay to see that ;)

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
NeverUTOG(49) Disputed
1 point

Perversion is a bent of yours? Or simply childish? In either case, rhetorical, of course!! Okay, so your attitude is crass, but worse, so predictable, tiresome, and destructive.

The mind is expandable, so get thee to a book.........or two, even (PI).

Side: Perfectly normal
1 point

I was not sure where I stood on this one my first thought was nah I dont want to see that but then I thought is it really that big a deal it's only Boob's but I like your idea of having a separate feeding area a bit like changing area etc but obviously not in the toilets

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
NeverUTOG(49) Disputed
1 point

But peeing alongside another man is something you don't mind witnessing and engaging in? But a child suckling at the breast evokes feelings of negativity? Yikes, what manner of homo sapien are you?

Haven't quite decided whether you're nuts or simple minded or is there another choice in there I may have missed? In any event, I find your manner boorish and so unenlightened. How do people grow up to be like that? Alas, insufficient nurturing. I rest my case.

Side: Perfectly normal

I just argue both sides to get ball rolling ;)

BTW, I was referring to women. Women do not want to see men taking a leak, no matter how natural. It's a double standard I've learned to live with ;)

Side: Perfectly normal
TheAshman(2299) Disputed
1 point

Was this aimed at me? If so I am not simple minded, maybe a little nuts but I am assuming it was'nt as my manner was neither boorish or unenlightened and I never mentioned my views on peeing.

I suggested a private feeding area as there are probably a lot of women out there who might not want to breast feed their kids in public with everyone watching the same as there are a lot of people (men and women) who dont want to watch and there's probably some people who may want to watch just to get their kicks, which would make the mother feel uncomfortable.

Maybe this is societies fault as we do seem to live in a world where seeing nakedness is wrong and thought of as something that will corrupt minds more than violent images

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
Roblovesargu(61) Disputed
1 point

That's a new person dumby. Or do you attack everyone like that. "You disagree so you're crazy or sick!" Try developing a reason for your point of view instead of vague mental disorders for everyone.

We pee in a designated area away from the public. At least I do. That's why I'd never go eat lunch in the bathroom.

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I think breast feeding is alright just can't there be a better place than in public? It can be very distracting to other people and families. I understand that sometimes the baby needs food now and maybe some mothers are just completely against using a bottle under any circumstance. in that case I would think you could find some private place to do that at least.

Side: wait..., what? No!!!

I don't think so especially inside a restaurant. There are children inside the place that are going to be asking too many questions on what they see.

Side: wait..., what? No!!!

So, children shouldn't learn about brest feeding?

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
0 points

It was hard o pick a side because I wouldn't react as "Wait...., what? No!!" but I wouldn't say it was perfectly normal either. Personally I wouldn't do it in public and sometimes when I see it happening I feel a bit embarrassed for the mother, I have nothing against it but I wouldn"t go there..

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
NeverUTOG(49) Disputed
2 points

I'm nonplussed that you're a woman saying that breastfeeding in public isn't perfectly normal. And what's the difference between "normal" and "perfectly normal"? And what is it about a nursing mother that you find embarrassing? Have you explored where this un-ease might originate from?

My father believed that nursing women were demeaning themselves. Gawd knows where he picked up such a depraved idea; otherwise, he showed no small degree of intelligence--I swear. Fortunately, it was easy for me to see for myself how utterly wrong he was. From the get-go, I was always filled with awe whenever I encountered a nursing mother--of whatever species, including my own. The sight of an infant being held in its mother's arms and nourished in the most natural way possible has always evoked in me a sense of peace, tranquility and love.

Thus, not only is it OK to breastfeed in public, I want to see more of it to offset in some small way the stuff that should offend us to the very essence of our the act of war--the wholesale slaughter of human beings and other living things that happen to get caught up in man's thirst of blood for nefarious objectives. Yet, people will throng to movies to see it depicted in inglorious, gory detail; will passively watch it on TV; and will encourage sons and daughters to participate in it.

As a species, our value system is demonstrably SKEWED beyond the point of redemption..................alas.

Side: Perfectly normal
me33(31) Disputed
1 point

Why don't you take a break from trying to psychologically over analyse everyone who disagrees with you. It's completely arrogant and just annoying as you don't know me at all. Even though I know nothing about you, you sound like someone who would breastfeed their child until they were a teen. But let me guess that sounds perfectly normal, oh sorry I mean normal to you as well. All I said was I find it awkward talking to someone breastfeeding and I wouldn't do it in public unless I had too.

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
Roblovesargu(61) Disputed
1 point

Well looks like we found the issue here. You have daddy issues.

I mean, how does someone even began to argue that not watching people breast feed causes war?

Side: wait..., what? No!!!
Megan3955(7) Disputed
1 point

it is perfectly normal to breast feed your baby you make the breast milk throughout your pregnancy what is not naturel about it?????

Side: Perfectly normal