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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes, of course. Nah
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:20
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 Yes, of course. (10)
 Nah (4)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Is the human race worth saving?

Online Pranksters Wreak Havoc at Hotels, Restaurants Nationwide,2933,532241,00.html

Yes, of course.

Side Score: 14


Side Score: 4
4 points

If we can't get enthusiastic about saving our own race, what the hell can we get enthusiastic over?

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

way to go! i agree with you completely! and when i see people around me who couldn't care less it pisses me off to avaricious degrees i do not want to talk about.

Side: Yes, of course.

Joe seems to think if we eliminate all the dumb people we'll be living in the perfect world. I just wonder what color bus will be picking him up in the morning!

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

Was that a question!

-_ -_ _ _ __ _ __-- - -- - _ -- - - -- - - -

Side: Yes, of course.

Nope...that was a statement!''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

It doesn't matter how strong or weak or intelligent or smart or dumb a person is. we all have an equal right to live but foolish self centered short term focusing people forget that. they arrogantly think that only they have the right to live under the sun which was custom made for their intellectual tanning facilities. i am an English literature teacher and i have seen my share of intelligent and not so intelligent people. what really matters is that you love the people and respect them for their uniqueness and remember that "variety is the spice of life" and protecting our way of life is more important than anything else.

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

Hell Yeah. And there have been loads of cool movies about it just to prove my point. If there is anything in the world worth going to war over, it's the human race.

Side: Yes, of course.

I used to think like that but then, as time went on, I became cynical.

If you really believe that the human race is worth saving, then do everything within your power to get as many humans as possible off the face of the earth. Preferably to Mars. The Moon is my second choice and a space station the third. Right now we have all of the eggs in one basket. That's not wise nor is it advisable.

Side: Nah
WiseMan(2) Disputed
1 point

If you are going to go to war to save the Human race, you are only going to do it harm, why cause pain to save something that causes unnecessary pain and torment anyway. Why save something that will only destroy itself.

Side: Most Definetly Not

At the very minimum we need to take the dumb people out ;)

Side: Nah
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

Then let's just round up all of the dumb people on Earth, tell them the moon now has a special atmosphere that has "super-oxygen" in it, build them a rocket, and send them there! :) .... But then the south would be abandoned... just kidding! :p

Side: Yes, of course.
1 point

:] I'm from the south and can still take that as mildly amusing...

Side: Yes, of course.

Save the human race, you have to be kidding. Let me list all those good points about people, can't think of any. People are greedy, self-centered, lazy, stupid, without compassion, unimaginative, to name a few.

You say where is the proof of these things? I live in the USA, capitalism covers greed. When was the last time you went out of your way to help a stranger? Self-centered covered. If you could figure how to move the toilet under the couch, most Americans would never leave it. Covers the lazy topic to a tee. Had an intelligent conversation lately? Stupid is by far the majority. World problems such hunger should never exist, without compassion we are. Play it safe and don't do anything that requires thought. Just follow the rules, broken as they are. Dare not to imagine a better work place, society or world.

Save the human race? Not worth saving the way they are.

Side: Nah
1 point

The human race has become corrupted and has greatly abused it's "free will". We are supposed to be the sentient race and yet there we are arguing about stupid, pointless little things like who's pencil that is, or who's donut that was. Then there are the people who believe that only they and anyone who thinks like them is correct and that the rest of us are all dirty, vile slugs. People will probably think that I'm being too negative and that I should think about all the little children and what they might be thinking, but they are supposed to be the future and with children in this day and age, I just don't see a future that anyone can be proud of. So no, in no way should this sentient race be allowed to survive, HUMANS ARE NOT WORTH SAVING!

Side: Most Definetly Not