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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes WTF?
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:31
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 Yes (6)
 WTF? (9)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is the surge working?

Joe has created a lot of debates and written a lot of arguments in an attempt to raise his numbers. Is the surge working?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 19

Joe, I thought after the contest was over you would stop posting meaningless debates. Maybe the whole point thing wasn't such a great idea...[sigh]

Side: yes

Oh come on, life's too short to be pissed off about things you have little control over. The lolz is what keeps me going. ;)

Side: yes
1 point

Don't you mean lulz?

Side: yes
1 point

yea.... you know it joe >.>

Side: yes

If you thought this debate was about thing entirely different, sorry. But since you're here, would you mind voting me up ;)

Side: WTF?
4 points

you crack me up dude. don't you work?

Side: WTF?

What do you mean? Do you know how hard I work at this? I have a reputation to uphold ;)

Side: WTF?
2 points

You gotta love it..

Side: WTF? don't care about politics, you don't really care about the site....why do points mean soooooooooo much to you that you put up these idiotic debates?

Side: WTF?

I do it for lolz ;)

Side: WTF?
Bettyjoe(402) Disputed
1 point

Wasn't it you who created a big ruckus on this site a few weeks ago because of points? This sounds to me like the pot calling the kettle black! Aren't you guys allies?

You give me a headache!

Side: yes
1 point

why can't we all just get along....

My goal is to make the needle on the points meter spin around so fast (a full 360 degrees) that it snaps off, goes flying and pokes me in the eye ;)

Wait.... that might hurt.....

Side: WTF?
jessald(1915) Disputed
1 point

That was about the efficiency score, not the raw points.

Side: WTF?
0 points

i vote everyone just votes eachother up as they go along. ;P

Side: WTF?