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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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It has worked for me so far. Say whaaaat?
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 It has worked for me so far. (2)
 Say whaaaat? (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is this a helpful tip for staying out of jail?

It has worked for me so far.

Side Score: 3

Say whaaaat?

Side Score: 3

I have to admit, it works. ;)

Side: It has worked for me so far.

Talking white in some places works now I just need to buy those shoes with the E on the side.

Side: It has worked for me so far.

So what if you are black? Like born black? Do I have act white?

Side: Say whaaaat?

It helps. I'm just saying. ;)

Side: Say whaaaat?

Well there is only thing that I can actually say to that.

We Still In This
Side: Say whaaaat?