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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes, I know who to use it on. No, you may get punched
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 Yes, I know who to use it on. (3)
 No, you may get punched (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Is this solid, sound, advice to give to people?

Yes, I know who to use it on.

Side Score: 9

No, you may get punched

Side Score: 3

I find that you can almost always say almost anything to almost anyone..., if you follow it up with a smile ;)

Side: Yes, I know who to use it on.
Del1176(4975) Disputed
1 point

What about creationists?

Side: No, you may get punched

What about them?

Side: No, you may get punched
Querbert(204) Disputed
1 point

They are the people to use it on!

Side: Yes, I know who to use it on.
3 points

It'll confuse them for a second then they'll come to the realization they were just insulted after you left.

Say it to a 13 to 17 year old child acting out.

Side: Yes, I know who to use it on.
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